Xref: utzoo comp.mail.misc:960 comp.unix.questions:6588
Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!att-cb!osu-cis!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!husc6!mit-eddie!wisner
From: wisner@eddie.MIT.EDU (Bill Wisner)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc,comp.unix.questions
Subject: Re: user name in /etc/passwd GCOS field
Keywords: passwd GCOS name
Message-ID: <8855@eddie.MIT.EDU>
Date: 16 Apr 88 03:53:08 GMT
References: <1361@lznv.ATT.COM>
Reply-To: wisner@eddie.MIT.EDU (Bill Wisner)
Organization: MIT, EE/CS Computer Facilities, Cambridge, MA
Lines: 11

The most commonly used format used in the GCOS field is Full Name,junk,junk.
This is mainly used on BSD systems but I know of some SysV sites that have
picked up the habit.

The standard format on System V seems to be, thanks to the vanilla passwd
file packaged with it, junk-Full Name(junk). Revolting, isn't it?

It's probably best to check for both. And, of course, allow for a field
containing nothing but Full Name.
