Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!lll-winken!lll-tis!ames!pasteur!ucbvax!rutgers!pleasant
From: (UUCP Mapping Project)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.maps
Subject: UUCP map for
Date: 7 Apr 88 03:32:02 GMT
Expires: 22 May 88 03:31:53 GMT
Lines: 950

:	This is a shell archive.
:	Remove everything above this line and
:	run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
: This archive created: Wed Apr  6 23:31:07 1988
echo shar: extracting
cat << 'SHAR_EOF' >
#	start of Tue Apr  5 15:47:51 EST 1988
#	maintained by nemap@necntc.NEC.COM

#N	n73a, n73b
#S	PDP 11/73, 2.9BSD
#O	Dept. of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
#C	James P. Kiely
#E	n73a!postmaster
#T	+1 617 732 1772
#P	25 Shattuck St, Boston, MA 02115
#L	42 20 N / 71 10 W
#W	n73a!kiely (James P. Kiely); Wed Mar 30 15:06:53 EST 1988
n73a	wjh12(HOURLY*2), g73(POLLED)

#N	necis
#S	NEC Astra XL/32; ASTR-IX (Sys V.2)
#O	NEC Information Systems
#C	Steve Valentine
#E	necis!smv
#T	+1 617 263 3833
#P	289 Great Road, Acton, MA 01720
#L	42 30 N / 71 25 W
#R	Unix Systems Development
#W	necis!smv (Steve Valentine); Tue Aug 25 13:23:58 EDT 1987
necis =
necis =
necis	encore(DAILY/5), necntc(DEMAND), necam(DEAD), mrst(DEMAND),
	puck(DEMAND), dandelion(WEEKLY)
necntc	necis(DEMAND)

#N	necsyl
#O	NEC System Labs
#C	Mr. Naito, Mr. Watari
#E	necsyl!naito, necsyl!watari
#T	+1 617 263 2627
#W	necntc!jeff (Jeff Janock); Fri Nov 14 15:42:56 EST 1986
necsyl	necntc(DEMAND)
necsyl =
necsyl =
necntc	necsyl(DAILY/3)

#N	neprac
#S	Vax 11/730, Ultrix 2.0
#O	National Electron Probe Resource for the Analysis of Cells
#C	Mohamed el Lozy
#E	hscfvax!postmaster
#T	+1 617 732 0762
#P	665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115-9915, USA
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#W	popvax!mohamed (Mohamed el Lozy); Tue Jan  5 10:22:58 EST 1988
# local calls
neprac	hscfvax(HOURLY)
# long distance calls
# poll these sites
hscfvax	neprac(HOURLY)

#N	oingo
#S	PC's Limited AT; MSDOS V3.1
#O	GenRad, Inc.  (TSIG)
#C	Craig Dawson
#E	oingo!postmaster
#T	+1 617 369 4400 x2267
#P	300 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA 01742
#R	This site is running Lauren Weinstein's UULINK(TM) under MSDOS.
#W	oingo!craig (Craig Dawson); Mon Jul 13 11:13:13 EDT 1987
oingo	genrad(DAILY/10), bronson(EVENING/2)

#N	ora
#S	Convergent Technologies Miniframe; CTIX 3.2 
#O	O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
#C	Tim O'Reilly
#E	ora!tim
#T	+1 617 527 4210
#P	981 Chestnut Street, Newton, MA 02164
#L	42 20 N / 071 13 W
#R	Technical writing consulting firm.
#U	adelie
#W	ora!tim (Tim O'Reilly); Tue Jan 13 09:16:44 EST 1987
ora	adelie(DIRECT), phw5(WEEKLY)

#N	oswald
#S	DEC Professional 380; VENIX 2.0
#O	home of Jim Olsen
#C	Jim Olsen
#E	oswald!jim
#T	+1 617 863 5500
#P	MIT Lincoln Lab, P.O. Box 73, Lexington, MA 02173
#L	42 26 N / 71 24 W
#U	ll-xn
#W	oswald!jim (Jim Olsen); Mon Aug 25 23:00:49 EDT 1986
oswald	ll-xn(DIRECT)
ll-xn	oswald(HOURLY)

#N	otter
#S	DEC Vax 11/780; Ultrix-32 V1.1
#O	GenRad - BST
#C	Andrea Akerib - Computer Facility
#E	genrad!ana
#T	+1 617 779 2811 x6472
#P	37 Main Street, Bolton, MA  01740
#L	42 27 N / 71 33 W
#W	genrad!ana (Andrea Akerib); Thu May 28 09:36:22 EDT 1987
#U	condor
otter	condor(DEDICATED)

#N	oxford
#S	Sun 3/60
#O	Oxford Systems, Inc.
#C	W. Olin Sibert
#E	sibert@dockmaster.ARPA
#T	+1 617 646 8619
#P	32 Oldham Road, Arlington, MA 02174
#W	usenix!madeline (Madeleine McCall); Mon Feb  1 12:38:40 PST 1988
oxford	uunet

#N	palladium
#S	Sun 3/260; Sun UNIX 3.2 (4.2 BSD UNIX)
#O	Palladium Data Systems
#C	Neil Webber
#E	palladium!nw, palladium!postmaster
#T	+1 617 481 3717
#P	275 Boston Post Road West, Marlboro MA, 01752
#L	42 21 N / 71 31 W city
#U	alliant
#W	palladium!nw (Neil Webber); Tue Jun 23 09:00:00 EDT 1987
palladium	alliant(DEMAND), cfisun(DEMAND), vaxine(DAILY)

#N	paradigm
#S	TRS-16; XENIX 2.3
#O	Paradigm Associates Inc.
#C	George Carrette
#E	paradigm!gjc
#T	+1 617 492 6079
#P	29 Putnam Avenue, Suite 6, Cambridge MA, 02138, USA
#L	042 23 N / 71 05 W
#R	support for DOE-MACSYMA
#W	paradigm!gjc (George Carrette); Sat Aug 15 18:10:23 EDT 1987
paradigm	bu-cs(DAILY)

#N	pixel
#S	Pixel 80; almost 4.1BSD
#O	Pixel Systems Inc.
#C	Chris Bertin
#E	pixel!chris
#T	+1 617 933 7735
#P	300 Wildwood St., Woburn, MA 01801
#L	42 42 N / 71 11 W
#W	pixel!chris (Chris Bertin); Tue, 19 Nov 85 17:52:39 EST
#U	wjh12
#pixel	wjh12(DEMAND), harvard(DEMAND)
#PIXNET = {pixel, pixutl, pixdoc}(LOCAL)

#N	platypus
#O	Honeywell
#C	Suzanne Labonville
#E	platypus!suzanne
#P	Billerica, MA
platypus	mit-erl(DAILY)

#N	plxbos
#S	Plexus P/60; Plexus UNIX Sys5r2
#O	PLEXUS Computers, Inc.
#C	Ed Chaban
#E	plxbos!madmin
#T	+1 201 843 7766
#P	303 Wyman Street; ste 300; Waltham, MA 02154
#W	plx!joey (Joseph Yetter); Mon Nov 18 17:10:00 PST 1985
#plxbos	plx(DEMAND), plxnyc(DEMAND)

#N	popvax
#S	Vax 11/780, 4.2BSD
#O	Harvard University, School of Public Health
#C	Mohamed el Lozy
#E	popvax!postmaster
#T	+1 617 732 0762
#P	665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115-9915, USA
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#W	popvax!mohamed (Mohamed el Lozy); Tue Jan  5 10:33:27 EST 1988
# alias
popvax =, hsphub,
# local nets
popvax	HSPH-NET
# local calls
popvax	harvard(LOCAL), wjh12(LOCAL), husc6(LOCAL)

#N	prmcad 
#S	Silicon Graphics 2500T		
#O	Prime Computer, CAD/CAM Workstations, Milford, MA      
#C	Tim Flavin			
#E	prmcad!tef		
#T	+1 617 478 8600 x4128
#P	Prime, Technology Drive, Milford, MA 0175
#L	42 09 12 N / 71 34 44 E
#W; Mon Jan 26 13:58:04 EST 1987
prmcad = prime
prmcad 	harvard(HOURLY*6)

#N	puck
#S	PC Limited AT; Microport V/AT
#O	Moonlight Systems
#C	Andrew S. Puchrik
#E	puck!asp
#T	+1 617 897 5373
#P	4 Guyer Road, Maynard, MA 01754
#L	42 26 N / 71 27 W
#W	puck!asp (Andy Puchrik) ; Sun Sep 13 13:22:19 EDT 1987
puck	necis(DIRECT), maynard(WEEKLY), necntc(EVENING), virgin(WEEKLY)

#N	raster
#S	Sequent Balance 8000; Dynix V1.3 (4.2-like)
#O	Raster Technologies, Inc.
#C	Chan Verbeck, Mark Miller
#E	raster!chan, raster!mark
#T	+1 617 692 7900
#P	Two Robbins Road, Westford MA, 01886
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#R	This machine is a gateway to the rest of the computers on RasterNet
#W	raster!mark (Mark Miller) ; Mon Sep 29 11:10:48 EDT 1986
#U	masscomp
# decvax is our primary mail feed, we only read news off of masscomp
raster	decvax(DAILY/2), masscomp(DAILY/2)

#N	raybed2
#S	Vax 11/785; Ultrix 1.2
#O	Raytheon Co., Missile Systems Division
#C	Fred Thompson
#E	raybed2!usenet
#T	+1 617 270 1881
#P	Hartwell Rd., SWA1-6, Bedford, MA 01730
#L	42 28 N / 71 17 W
#R	We also have two internal machines, raybed3 and raybed5.
#U	rayssd cvbnet applicon linus
#W	raybed2!fct (Fred Thompson); Fri Oct 31 09:00:00 EST 1986
raybed2	linus(EVENING), rayssd(EVENING), cvbnet(EVENING), applicon(EVENING)

#N	rclex
#S	Ridge 32/330; ROS 3.3
#O	Ridge Computers
#C	Dave Van Wyk
#E	rclex!postmaster
#T	+1 617 861 6000
#P	420 Bedford Street, Suite 160, Lexington, MA 02173
#L	42 26 N / 71 13 W city
#R	eastern regional sales/support office
#W	horton@harvard; Fri Feb 13 14:10:55 EST 1987
rclex	harvard(DAILY)

#N	ringwld
#S	TRS-80 Model 16; XENIX 1.3.5
#O	Pipe Dream Associates
#C	James M. Turner
#E	ringwld!jmturn
#T	+1 617 935 8754
#P	4 Continental Court #8, Woburn, MA 01801
#L	41 40 N / 71 11 W city
#R	Home base for Pipe Dream Associates
#W	ringwld!jmturn (James M. Turner); Tue Sep 22 15:14:05 EDT 1987
ringwld	cca(DIRECT)

#N	scorplx 
#S	Plexus P/60, System 3 w/Berkeley mods
#O	Honeywell Information Systems
#C	Howard Ostar
#E	scorplx!howard
#T	(617) 671-2299
#P	300 Concord Rd. MA30/839A, Billerica, MA 01821
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#W	Howard Ostar 12/8/84
#U	decvax
#scorplx	decvax(DEMAND), harvard(DEMAND)

#N	sda386
#S	Compaq Deskpro 386; SCO XENIX 2.2
#O	Software Develpoment Association
#C	Stephen D. Ayers
#E	sda386!sda
#T	+1 617 938-8647
#P	38 Richard Circle, Woburn, MA, USA
#L	42 31 N / 71 16 W
#W	sda386!sda ; Tue Jul 14 12:53:28 EDT 1987
#U	atexrd
sda386	atexrd(HOURLY)

#N	sdti
#S	ACER (Multitech) 900 AT; Microport System V/AT v2.2.2
#O	Software Development Technologies, Inc.
#C	Michael J. Young
#E	sdti!usenet
#T	+1 617 443 5779
#P	375 Dutton Rd; Sudbury MA 01776
#L	42 22 30 N / 71 27 30 W
#W	sdti!mjy (Mike Young); Tue Aug 4 17:40:21 EDT 1987
sdti	mrst (DAILY)

#N	security
#S	DEC VAX-11/780; 4.2 BSD UNIX
#O	MITRE Corporation
#C	Jeffrey Berger
#E	security!jlb
#T	+1 617 271 3611
#P	Burlington Road, Bedford MA  01730
#L	71 14 W / 42 30 20 N city
#W	security!jlb (Jeffrey L. Berger); Fri Jul 31 16:17:06 EDT 1987
security linus(DIRECT)

#N	sesame
#S	IBM PC/AT; Venix 2.1
#O	Cognition, Inc.
#C	David Watson
#E	sesame!david
#T	+1 617 667 4800
#P	900 Tech Park Drive, Billerica, MA 01821
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 city
#W	sesame!david (David Watson); Sat Apr 5 16:40:00 EST 1986
sesame	dandelion(HOURLY)

#N	sli
#S	Sequent B8; DYNIX 3.0
#O	Software Leverage, Inc.
#C	Mike Gilbert, Bruce Bauman
#E	sli!uuadmin
#T	+1 617 648 1414
#P	485 Mass Ave, Arlington, MA 02174-5103
#L	42 24 55 N / 71 8 0 W
#R	Domain is network "sli"; registered with the NIC as 192.12.79.
#W	sli!jng (Mike Gilbert); Sat Jan  2 04:42:23 EST 1988
sli	uunet(DEMAND-80), bossqnt(DIRECT), inmet(DIRECT), ishmael(DIRECT)

#N	softg
#S	DEC VAX-11/750; 4.1 BSD UNIX
#O	Softech, Inc.
#C	Glenn Connell
#E	softg!connell
#T	+1 617 890 6900 x419
#P	460 Totten Pond Road, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 U.S.A.
#L	42 20 N /71 10 W city
#W	softg!connell (Glenn Connell); Sun Aug 30 10:32:04 EDT 1987
#U	bunny
softg	bunny(DIRECT)

#N	soi
#S	Sun 3/280; Sun 4.2 UNIX
#O	Software Options, Inc.
#C	Chip Morris
#E	postmaster@soi.uucp
#T	+1 617 497 5054
#P	22 Hilliard Street, Cambridge MA 02138
#L	42 22 26 N / 71 07 28 W
#W	glenn@soi (Glenn Holloway); Mon Aug 10 17:10:03 EDT 1987
soi	harvard(DIRECT)

#N	spooky
#S	Standard Brand 286; System V 2.2L
#O	R.W. Withrow Associates
#C	Robert W. Withrow
#E	spooky!postmaster
#T	+1 617 593 8452
#P	27 Greenwood Terrace, Swampscott, MA 01907, USA
#L	42 28 12 N / 070 54 42 W
#R	Contains corrected LAT/LONG
#W	spooky!witr (Robert W. Withrow); Mon Aug 17 23:14:13 EDT 1987
spooky	bu-cs(DIRECT)

#N	ssgp32
#S	Prime EXL-316; Prime EXL Operating System system 5 release 3.0
#O	Prime Computer Inc., Entry Level Systems Group
#C	David M. Lounsbury
#E	ssgp32!usenet,ssgp32!davel
#T	+1 617 626 1700
#P	492 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham, MA   01701
#L	42 18 20 N / 71 22 40 W
#W	ssgp32!davel (David M. Lounsbury) Mon Apr  4 11:04:47 EDT 1988
#U	uunet
ssgp32	ssgp4(DEDICATED), xicom(DAILY), primerd(HOURLY*2),
	spider(POLLED), uunet(HOURLY*2)

#N	stech
#S	AT&T 3B2/400; Unix System V
#O	Scholastech, Inc. (Scholastech Telecommunications)
#C	Jan Harrington
#E	ihnp4!husc6!amcad!stech!sysop; allegra!stech!sysop
#T	(617) 899-1259
#P	4002 Stearns Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02154	
#U	amcad allegra
#W	stech!sysop (Jan Harrington); Tue Sept 22 08:15:00 EDT 1987
stech	amcad(DIRECT), allegra(DAILY/2)

#N	stellar
#S	Sun 3; SunOS 3.2
#O	Stellar Computer
#C	Jim Van Scivier, Clement T. Cole
#E	stellar!jvs, stellar!clemc
#T	+1 617 964 1000
#P	100 Wells Ave., Newton, MA 02158
#L	42 20 N / 71 13 W city
#W	stellar!clemc (Clement T. Cole); Fri Jan 15 16:28:39 EST 1988
stellar	decvax(DEMAND+LOW), ima(DIRECT), masscomp(DEMAND), uunet(DEMAND)

#N	suneast
#S	Sun 3/180; 4.2 BSD UNIX
#O	Sun Microsystems Inc. - East Coast Division
#C	Geoff Arnold
#E	suneast!geoff,
#T	+1 617 667 0010 x317
#P	2 Federal St., Billerica, MA 01821
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 city
#R	"suneast" is the primary gateway to Sun Microsystems East Coast
#R	Division. It maintains a few local uucp connections; its main
#R	role, however, is to relay traffic to SWAN (Sun's Wide-Area Network).
#R	Local mail may be sent directly to "suneast", but in general we
#R	prefer that email be sent via "sun" (map ''), either to
#R	"sun!person" or "sun!suneast!person". ("" is
#R	also OK.)
suneast sunne(EVENING), sun(DEDICATED), ima(EVENING), ora(EVENING),
        alliant(EVENING), sunesc(DEMAND)

#N      sunne
#S      Sun 2/170; 4.2BSD
#O      Sun Microsystems, New England Sales Office
#C      James Triplett
#E      sunne!james
#T      +1 617 863 8870
#P      One Cranberry Hill, Lexington, MA 02173
#L      42 26 N / 71 13 W
#W      sunne!james (James Triplett); Wed Feb  4 17:47:46 EST 1987
#U      inmet security
sunne   sun(DEMAND), inmet(DIRECT), security(DAILY), alliant(WEEKLY),
	munsell(WEEKLY), suneast(DEMAND), xylogics(WEEKLY)

#N	synchro
#O	SynchroSystems
#C	Charles C. Cox
#E	synchro!chuck
#T	+1 617 547 5113
#P	66 Western Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
#L	42 22 N / 71 06 W
#W	synchro!chuck (Charles C. Cox); Tue Nov 26 11:59:26 EST 1985
#ima	synchro(DAILY/2)

#N	talcott
#S	VAXstationII
#O	Harvard University, Sociology Department
#C	Scott Bradner
#E	talcott!sob
#T	(617) 495-3864
#P	Rm. 1232, 33 Kirkland St., Cambridge, MA 02138
#L	42 22 N / 71 06 W
#W	talcott!sob (Scott Bradner); Mon Jan 11 15:22:43 EST 1988
# see also harv-net
talcott	encore(DIRECT), icus(DAILY), carrara(DIRECT),
	sesame(HOURLY), cfa(DIRECT), inagra(DAILY/3),
	banyan(DIRECT), humming(HOURLY), umb(DAILY),
	dandelion(DIRECT), necntc(HOURLY), harvpcna(DIRECT), panda(DAILY)
dandelion = dandeli

#N	tammy
#S	Convex C-1 4.2 BSD Unix
#O	Harvard Chemistry Department - Karplus
#C	Paul Bash
#E	tammy!bash
#T	1 617 495 1768
#P	12 Oxford St. Cambridge, MA 02138
#W	horton@harvard (Nike Horton); Wed May  6 12:45:34 EDT 1987
tammy	harvard(DEMAND)

#N	tardis
#S	DEC PDP 11/44, 2.9BSD (networking)
#O	Cruft Labs, Harvard University
#C	Dan Lanciani
#E	tardis!ddl, ddl@tardis.ARPA, ddl@tardis.HARVARD.EDU
#T	+1 617 283 0338
#P	Cambridge, MA 02138
#L	42 22 N / 71 06 W
#W	ddl@tardis (Dan Lanciani); Thu, 15 Jan 87 01:32:24 EST
#U	talcott wjh12
tardis	wjh12(LOCAL), harvard(LOCAL), talcott(LOCAL), deccra(POLLED),
	pitirim(LOCAL), husc4(HOURLY), huelings(LOCAL), h-ma1(DIRECT)

#N	terra
#S	Apple Macintosh/XL; System V Uniplus+
#O	Terrametrics Research
#C	John T. Bullitt
#E	terra!jtb
#T	+1 617 899 8615
#P	751 Main Street Waltham, MA 02154
#L	42 22 30 N / 71 14 28 W
#W	terra!jtb (John T. Bullitt); Wed Nov 20 09:42:07 EST 1985
#terra	mit-erl(DEMAND)
#mit-erl	terra(DAILY)

#N	texet
#S	Sun 3/60; Sun OS 3.4
#O	Texet Corporation
#C	Gordon Lee, Al Nudler
#E	texet!postmaster
#T	+1 617 641-2900
#P	37 Broadway,  Arlington, MA  02174
#L	42 24 25 N / 71 08 03 W
#R	Producer of electronic publishing systems; ~70 networked Suns
#W	texet!gordon (Gordon Lee) ; Wed Jan 20 14:54:06 EST 1988
texet	buita(HOURLY)

#N	textware
#O	Textware International
#C	Brent Byer
#E	textware!brent
#T	(617) 864-8398
#P	Boston, MA
#L	42 20 N / 71 06 W
#W	Brent Byer 7/24/84
#textware	wjh12(DAILY), cfib(DAILY)

#N	think
#S	DEC VAX-11/750; 4.3 BSD UNIX
#O	Thinking Machines Corporation
#C	Bill Nesheim
#E	think!uucp
#T	+1 617 876 1111
#P	245 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1214
#L	42 21 49 N / 71 04 45 W
#U	harvard bloom-beacon rutgers ames
#U	eplunix fortytwo maynard mck-csc
#W	think!bruce (Bruce Nemnich); Fri Jul  3 14:04:49 EDT 1987
think =
think	ames(DEMAND), astrovax(DEMAND), bloom-beacon(DEDICATED),
	cca(DEDICATED), cirl(HOURLY*2), compass(DEMAND), delftcc(DEMAND),
	eplunix(DEMAND), festiv(HOURLY*2), fortytwo(HOURLY*2),
	harvard(DEDICATED), iasmath(DEMAND), ihnp4(DEMAND), ima(DEMAND),
	maynard(HOURLY*2), mck-csc(HOURLY*2), mit-eddie(DEDICATED),
	mit-erl(DEMAND), mosart(DEMAND), rome(HOURLY*2), rutgers(DEDICATED)

#N	tib
#S	IBM AT clone; Microport System V.2
#C	John Ostlund
#E	tib!root
#T	+1 617 862 0805
#P	915 Massachussetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02173
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W city
#W	rick@uunet.UU.NET (Rick Adams); Tue Mar  8 15:45:42 EST 1988
tib	uunet(DEMAND)

#N	trope
#S	IBM-PC, Venix86
#O	Callitrope
#C	P. Tucker Withington
#E	trope!ptw, encore!ptw
#T	+1 617 746 9393
#P	Spoon Hill, Old Sandwich Road, Plymouth, MA 02360
#L	41 58 N / 70 40 W
#W	encore!ptw (P. T. Withington); Mon Dec 09 11:36:39 EST 1985
#trope	encore(WEEKLY)

#N	umb
#S	DEC VAX 11/750; 4.3BSD UNIX
#O	U. Mass, Boston
#C	Rick Martin
#E	umb!postmaster,,
#T	+1 617 929 7960
#P	Dept. of Math. and C.S., UMASS-Boston, Boston MA 02125
#L	42 21 N/ 71 3 W
#R	This is also or
#U	husc6 ileaf absolut
#W (Bob Morris); Mon Dec  7 13:48:56 EST 1987
umb	husc6(DEMAND), ileaf(DIRECT),  harvard(DIRECT), 
	talcott(DIRECT), absolut(WEEKLY)

#N	usdottsc
#E	usdottc!root
#U	cfib
usdottsc	cfib(DAILY)

#N	valideast
#S	Vax 11/780; UNIX 4.3 BSD
#O	Valid Logic Systems, PCB Division
#C	Frank Farmar
#E	valideast!postmaster
#T	+1 617 256 2300 x377
#P	2 Omni Way, Chelmsford Ma. 01824
#L	42 36 N / 71 19 W
#R	formally Telesis Systems
#W	valideast!fxf; Mon Apr  7 07:58:29 EDT 1988
valideast	vaxine(EVENING)

#N	vaxine
#S	Vax 11/750; 4.3BSD
#O	Automatix Incorporated
#C	Wayne Power
#E	vaxine!postmaster
#T	+1 617 667 7900 x2023
#P	1000 Technology Park Drive, Billerica, MA 01821
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#R	Gateway to Automatix Inc., AITX network
#W	vaxine!wmp (Wayne Power) ; Mon Nov 30 05:55:55 EST 1987
#U	dandelion ulowell encore bunny
#       Perhaps we'll become official, if we can afford the $ :-)
vaxine	ima(DIRECT+HIGH), linus(DEMAND), encore(DEMAND),
	dandelion(DIRECT), wjh12(DEMAND), bunny(DIRECT), ulowell(DIRECT),
	allegra(DAILY), palladium(EVENING)

#N	vcvax1
#S	Vax 11/780, UNIX System V Release 2
#O	VenturCom, Inc.
#C	Paul Kleppner
#E	vcvax1!paul
#T	+1 617 661 1230
#P	215 First Street, Cambidge, MA 02142
#W	vcvax1!paul (Paul Kleppner); 12 Jan 87
#U	cybvax0
#	local calls
vcvax1	cybvax0(DAILY), maynard(EVENING), foxvax5(EVENING), mirror(EVENING)

#N	w3vh
#S	IBM PC AT Clone; Microport System V/AT, version 2.3
#O	W3VH Packet Radio Gateway
#C	Rolfe Tessem
#E	!w3vh!rolfe
#T	+1 413 528-5966
#P	P.O. Box 793, Great Barrington, MA 01230
#L	073 20 W / 42 15 N
#R	IP Address on Packet Radio
#U	uunet
#W	w3vh!rolfe (Rolfe Tessem); Wed Nov 4 14:30:00 EST 1987
w3vh	uunet(DEMAND)

#N	wang
#S	DEC VAX-11/750; System V Rel 2
#O	Wang laboratories Inc.
#C	Rudy Bazelmans
#E	wang!bazelmans
#T	+1 617 967 2609
#P	1 Industrial Ave, M/S 019-890, Lowell, MA  01851
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W city
#W	rudy@wang.UUCP (Rudy Bazelmans); Mon Aug 31 12:00:00 EST 1987
#U	wang7
wang	wang7(DIRECT), decvax(HOURLY), ulowell(HOURLY)

#N	wang7
#S	WANG VS85; IN/ix
#O	WANG Laboratories, Inc.
#C	Lee Pingel
#E	wang7!pingel
#T	+1 617 967 4880
#P	MS 014-790, 1 Industrial Ave, Lowell, MA 01851
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#W	pingel@wang7.UUCP (Lee Pingel 617/967-4880);
#U	wang masscomp
wang7	wang(EVENING/4), masscomp(DEMAND), ima(DEMAND)

#N	wanginst
#S	Vax 11/785; 4.2BSD (Ultrix)
#O	Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
#C	Barry Evans
#E	wanginst!evans
#T	+1 617 649 9731 x383
#P	Tyng Rd., Tyngsboro, MA 01879
#L	42 20 N / 71 05 W
#W	Barry Evans 07/23/86
#U	apollo decvax infinet vaxine wang
#R	ucadmus is now permanantly off USENET per their request.
#R	This site is off the air Aug 14, 1987
#R	Consider this site DEAD - do not route through wanginst
#R	This site may be ressurected at some time in the future
#R	See postings to news.config for more information
#R	Jeff Janock as per Barry Evans - 7/87
#wanginst decvax(DIRECT+HIGH), masscomp(DIRECT), wang(DIRECT),
#	apollo(DIRECT), ulowell(DIRECT), infinet(DIRECT),
#	linus(DEMAND), vaxine(DEMAND+HIGH), harvard(DEMAND),
#	nrl-css(DEMAND+HIGH), alphatech(POLLED), spdcc(DEMAND),
#	alumni(DIRECT)

#N	wendy
#S	AT&T 3B2; UNIX System V
#O	Wellesley College
#C	Scott Shurr
#E	mit-eddie!wendy!!sshurr
#T	+1 617 235 0320 x3262
#P	Academic Computing; Wellesley College; Wellesley, MA 02181
#W	mit-eddie!jbs (Jeff Siegal); Mon Mar  7 14:05:26 EST 1988
wendy	mit-eddie(DEMAND)

#N	wizvax
#S	Pixel 100/AP - V7/4.1BSD Unix
#O	Personal Use
#C	Steve Gilgut
#E	wizvax!spg
#T	+1 617 794 0641
#P	47 Railroad Street, Methuen, Mass. 01844
#L	42 43 N / 71 11 W
#R	Mail only leaf node (for now)
#W	wizvax!spg (Steve Gilgut); Mon Feb 8 18:45:25 EST 1988
# incoming calls
wizvax	cg-atla(DEMAND)

#N	wjh12
#S	MicrovaxII 4.3BSD
#O	Harvard University, Psychology and Social Relations Department
#C	Scott Bradner
#E	wjh12!sob
#T	(617) 495-3864
#P	Rm. 1232, 33 Kirkland St., Cambridge, MA 02138
#L	42 22 N / 71 06 W
#W	wjh12!sob (Scott Bradner); 12/5/87
#U	husc6 biomed maynard pixel
wjh12	vaxine(DAILY/4), ima(DAILY/4), pixel(HOURLY), textware(DAILY),
	mirror(DAILY), maynard(DIRECT), kitten(DAILY/3), tcc(DAILY)
# sites within harvard
# see also harv-net
wjh12	cfa(HOURLY), biomed(DAILY), n73a(HOURLY*2), hscfvax(HOURLY)

#N	wookie
#S	COMPAQ Deskpro 386/20;SCO XENIX System V
#O	jrpNET
#C	John R Petersen
#E	wookie!postmaster, wookie!usenet
#T	+1 617 567 0795
#P	142 Gove Street; East Boston MA 02128
#R	Will be a public system when set-up is complete.
#W	wookie!jrp (John R. Petersen);Tue Feb 23 15:32:28 EST 1988
wookie	coxeng1(DEAD), mirror(DAILY*4)

#N	wpi-ee
#S	DEC VAX-11/780; Ultrix 1.1
#O	Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Electrical Engineering Department
#C	Kieu Hua
#E	wpi-ee!postmaster
#T	+1 617 793 5195
#P	Worcester, MA
#W	Kieu Hua ; Thus May  15:16:05:00 EDT 1986
#U	ll-xn
wpi-ee	ll-xn(DAILY/4)

#N	xray
#S	DEC 11/73; Venix 2.0
#O	Harvard University Liquid Crystal Group
#C	Gerry Swislow (Alan Braslau)
#E	xray!root
#T	+1 617 495 4015
#P	Gorday McKay Lab, 9 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138
#L	42 22 N / 71 06 W Cambridge
#R	Gordon McKay Lab  Room 418
#W	Gerry Swislow; Wed Jan 22 19:18:39 EST 1986
xray	harvard(HOURLY)

#N	xyvision
#S	XYV-3; System V.2
#O	Xyvision, Inc.
#C	Nick Vasilatos
#E	xyvision!nick
#T	+1 617 245 4100 x414
#P	101 Edgewater Dr., Wakefield, MA 02115
#L	40 45 N / 73 45 W city
#W	rick@uunet.UU.NET (Rick Adams); Wed Mar 30 17:04:57 EST 1988
xyvision	uunet(DEMAND)

#N	zymacom
#S	Masscomp MC-500 DP; RTU 2.2a
#O	Zymacom, Inc.
#C	Leslie L. Damon
#E	zymacom!usenet
#T	+1 617 692 4500
#P	P.O. Box 567, Westford, MA 01886
#L	42 34 N / 71 26 W
#W	zymacom!leslie (Leslie L. Damon); Fri Dec 13 10:43:01 EST 1985
#zymacom 	masscomp(DEMAND)

#	end of Tue Apr  5 15:48:26 EST 1988
:	End of shell archive
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