Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!lll-winken!lll-tis!ames!mailrus!!rutgers!pleasant
From: (UUCP Mapping Project)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.maps
Subject: UUCP map for u.can.qc.1
Date: 1 Apr 88 06:46:28 GMT
Expires: 16 May 88 06:46:22 GMT
Lines: 352

:	This is a shell archive.
:	Remove everything above this line and
:	run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
:	u.can.qc.1
: This archive created: Fri Apr  1 01:45:42 1988
echo shar: extracting u.can.qc.1
cat << 'SHAR_EOF' > u.can.qc.1
#	u.can.qc.1 : last updated Thu Mar 31 01:49:52 1988
#	Changes/updates/corrections to utai!path (path@ai.toronto.{edu,cdn}).
#	If you wish a permanent record of your registration or update, please
#	send it to cbosgd!uucpmap *only*.  Elsewise please send the update to
#	the utai!path address *only*.  The only difference is that sending an
#	update/registration through the cbosgd!uucpmap address will guarantee
#	the existence of a centrally kept copy.  If you wish to register your
#	site as a subdomain under the Canadian top-level domain (.Ca), please
#	contact utai!registry (registry@ai.toronto.{edu,cdn}) for information.

#N      bedrock
#S      Sun 3/160; Sun3.4 OS
#O      Bell + Howell, IPSD
#C      Ron Hall
#E      bedrock!Postmaster, bedrock!root, bedrock!r2h2
#T      +1 514 395 2284, ext 46
#P      740 Notre Dame W., Suite 1500 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3X6
#R      This talk to the rest of the Sun Networks here : 40 machines+workstation
#U      musocs sunmtr(sunlegendre)
#W      bedrock!r2h2 (Ron Hall); Mon Sep 21 09:26:24 EDT 1987
bedrock	sunmtr(DAILY), musocs(DAILY)

#N	cae
#S	Dy4 DSM6816; UniSoft UniPlus+ System III
#O	CAE Electronics Ltd
#C	Gilles Hurteau
#E	cae!Postmaster
#T	+1 514 341 6780 x 2934
#P	8585 Cote-de-Liesse, St-Laurent, QC, Canada  H4T 1G6
#L	73 43 W / 45 28 N
#R	Flight & power plant simulators, control systems, aerospace electronics
#W	zap!fortin (Denis Fortin); Thu Feb  4 14:15:56 EST 1988
cae     odyssee(DAILY), musocs(DEAD), iros1(DAILY), zap(DAILY)

#N	clouso
#S	MicroVAX-II; Ultrix 1.2 (4.2BSD)
#O	Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal
#C	Daniel Gorham
#E	clouso!Postmaster
#T	+1 514 848 4784
#P	1550 boul. de Maisonneuve o., Montreal (Qc)
#L	73 W / 45 N
#U	iros1
#W	iros1!burj (Justin Bur); Thu Jun 25 05:23:59 EDT 1987
clouso	iros1(LOCAL)

#N	cmeteoc
#S	SUN 3/280; 4.2 BSD UNIX
#O	Canadian Meteorological Centre
#C	Alain St-Denis
#E	cmeteoc!Postmaster
#T	+1 514 683 4470
#P	2121, north service road, Transcanada hwy, Dorval, QC H9P 1J3
#L	45 30 N / 73 45 W city
#W	cmeteoc!afstasd (Alain St-Denis); Fri Mar 4 16:50:33 GMT 1988
cmeteoc	iros1(DAILY/4),	sunlegende(DAILY/4)

#N      cnrail
#S      CYB MultiBox; System V 2.0
#O      Canadian National Railways (C.N.), Montreal, Quebec.
#C      Osman Arslaner.
#E      cnrail!osman
#T      +1 514 399 5723
#P      Signals & Communications, Box 8100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 2M9.
#L      45 31 N / 73 34 W city
#U      cambs micomvax
#W      cnrail!osman (Osman Arslaner); Wed Mar  4 11:12:08 EST 1987 
cnrail  cambs(DEMAND), micomvax(DAILY)

#N	elevia
#S	TeleVideo Cat286;  SCO Xenix 2.1.3
#O	Private site
#C	William "Alain" Simon
#E	elevia!postmaster
#T	+1 514 486 5980
#P	4848 Madison avenue, Montreal H3X 3T1, Canada
#L	45 27 N / 73 40 W
#R	elevia 
#W	elevia!alain (William "Alain" Simon); Mon Oct 5 10:14:34 EDT 1987
elevia	iros1(HOURLY),

#N	iros1
#S	Sun-2/170; SunOS 3.4 (4.2BSD)
#O	Dept. IRO, Universite de Montreal
#C	Pierre Laplante, Helene Hebert
#E	iros1!Postmaster
#T	+1 514 343 6830
#P	PO Box 6128, Station A, Montreal, Quebec  H3C 3J7
#L	73 37 W / 45 30 N
#R	IRO means Informatique et Recherche operationnelle
#U	zap mcgill-vision clouso
#W	iros1!justin (Justin Bur); Sat Feb  6 01:32:33 EST 1988
iros1	mcgill-vision(LOCAL), musocs(DEAD), clouso(LOCAL),
	alisrd(POLLED), cae(POLLED), odyssee(DIRECT),
	cmeteoc(POLLED), micomvax(POLLED), zap(DIRECT),

#N	mcgill-vision
#S	DEC VAX-11/750; mtXinu 4.3+NFS
#O	McGill University, Computer Vision and Robotics Lab (Dept. of E. E.)
#C	Cem Eskenazi, Mike Parker
#E	mcgill-vision!system, mcgill-vision!usenet, mcgill-vision!postmaster
#T	+1 514 398 7155
#P	McConnell Engineering Building, 3480 University, Montreal, PQ, Canada
#U	iros1 bloom-beacon
#W	mcgill-vision!mouse (Mike Parker); Sat Mar 26 03:01:00 1988
#R	This machine is ( on the Internet
# We gateway to *
# For those who truncate to seven characters (ick)
mcgill-vision = mcgill-
# Connectivity info.
#	DIRECT -> local (free) phone call, 1200 bps
#	LOCAL -> uucp-over-tcp LAN connection
mcgill-vision   musocs(LOCAL),		# McGill Computer Science
		iros1(DIRECT),		# Universite de Montreal
		mosart(DIRECT),		# Silicart Inc.
		onfcanim(DIRECT),	# Office National du Film
		zap(DIRECT),		# Denis Fortin's private machine
		odyssee(DIRECT)		# Odyssee Recherches Appliquees

#N	micomvax
#S	VAX-11/780; UNIX  4.1bsd
#O	Philips Electronics Ltd.
#C	Mark Seguin
#E	micomvax!cco, micomvax!root
#T	+1 514 744 8200 (ext.2435)
#P	600 Dr. Frederick Philips Blvd, St. Laurent - PQ, Canada
#L	45 31 N / 73 34 W
#U	avec cnrail duparc hal1000 iros1 lgsvax matrox mnetor mosart mult
#U	musocs onfcanim othervax philabs pelmtl vedge zap
#W	micomvax!cco (Mark Seguin); Thu Feb 25 10:10:00 EST 1988
micomvax = micomva		# some reverse links show this name
micomvax	avec(DEAD),		cnrail(HOURLY),
		duparc(HOURLY),		hal1000(DEAD),
		iros1(HOURLY),		lgsvax(DEAD),
		matrox(HOURLY),		mnetor(DEMAND),
		mosart(HOURLY),		mult(HOURLY),
		musocs(HOURLY),		onfcanim(HOURLY),
		othervax(DEDICATED),	philabs(DEMAND),
		pelmtl(DEDICATED),	vedge(HOURLY),

#N	mosart
#S	VAX 11/750; Ultrix-32 V1.0
#O	Silicart Inc.
#C	Marc P. Rinfret
#E	mosart!postmaster
#T	+1 514 455 5681
#P	1000 Boul. Roche, Vaudreuil, QC J7V 6B3
#L	45 25 55 N/ 74 02 20 W
#U	micomvax
#W	mosart!marc (Marc P. Rinfret); Thu Feb 18 15:07:33 EST 1988
mosart	mcgill-vision(HOURLY/2), think(DAILY), zap(DIRECT), micomvax(HOURLY/2)

#N	mult
#S	NCR 600;  System V  (1.03.02)
#O	Sobeco Group inc. (Montreal)
#C	Jean-Marc Pigeon
#E	mult!jmp
#T	+1 514 878 9090
#P	505 Dorchester blvd. West, Montreal QC, Canada
#L	45 29 N / 73 30 W
#U	micomva sunkisd avec
#W	mult!jmp (Jean-Marc Pigeon) ; Mon  Feb 15 16:00:00 EST 1988
mult	micomva (DAILY), sunkisd (DAILY), avec (DAILY)

#N	musocs
#O	McGill University, School of Computer Science
#C	Peter Deutsch, Luc Boulianne
#E	musocs!peterd, musocs!postmaster, musocs!usenet
#T	+1 514 398 7083, +1 514 398 7087
#P	Burnside Hall, 805 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, PQ, Canada
#L	45 31 N / 73 34 W city
#W	mcgill-vision!mouse (Mike Parker); Sun Jan 10 05:48:31 1988
musocs	utai(DAILY/4),			# University of Toronto AI
	utcsri(DEAD),			# University of Toronto CSRI
	microsoft(DEAD),		# Microsoft Inc.
	deervax(DAILY/6),		# Concordia University (EE)
	micomvax(HOURLY),		# Philips Montreal
	watmath(DAILY/3),		# University of Waterloo
	labo(DEAD),			# University of Laval
	onfcanim(DAILY/8),		# National Film Board
	mit-eddie(WEEKLY),		# MIT - unreliable
	mcgill-vision(LOCAL),		# EE/MCRCIM McGill
	cae(DEAD),			# cae
	zap(DEAD),			# Denis Fortin
	odyssee(DEAD),			# Odyssee Research
	bedrock(DAILY/8)		# Bell & Howell

#N	nlcmvax
#S	DEC MicroVax II, Ultrix 2.0
#O	National Library of Canada
#T	+1 819 997 7992
#W	geac!david (David Haynes); Fri, 03 Jul 87 07:53:50 edt
nlcmvax	geac(POLLED)		# Geac Computers International Inc.

#N	odyssee
#S	SUN 3/160; 4.2 BSD UNIX (SUN Release 3.2)
#O	Odyssee Recherches Appliquees inc.
#C	Francois Pinard
#E	odyssee!postmaster, odyssee!usenet
#T	+1 514 279 0716
#P	605 Rue De L'Epee, Montreal (Que), Canada H2V 3T7
#L	45 31 17 N / 73 36 30 W
#R	Applied research in AI, comp. linguistics, natural language synthesis
#W	odyssee!pinard (Francois Pinard); Tue Dec 15 01:28:35 EST 1987
odyssee	alisrd(DAILY/4),		# ALIS inc, Ville St-Laurent
	cae(EVENING),			# CAE Electronics ltd, Ville St-Laurent
	elevia(DIRECT),			# Diane Nault inc, Montreal
	iros1(DIRECT),			# Universite de Montreal, Montreal
	kicah(EVENING),			# Rejean Payette, L'Epiphanie
	mcgill-vision(DIRECT),		# Universite McGill, Montreal
	musocs(DIRECT),			# Universite McGill, Montreal
	oravax(WEEKLY/3),		# Odyssey Research Associates, Ithaca
	sunlegende(DIRECT),		# Sun Microsystems, Montreal
	zap(DIRECT)			# Denis Fortin, Kirkland

#N	onfcanim
#S	DEC VAX 11/780; 4.3BSD
#O	National Film Board of Canada/Office national du film du Canada
#C	David Martindale
#E	onfcanim!postmaster
#T	+1 514 283 9828
#P	Box 6100, Station A, P-36, Montreal, Quebec, Canada  H3C 3H5
#L	45 31 05 N / 073 39 30 W
#R	Computer Animation Centre
#U	micomvax
#W	onfcanim!dave (Dave Martindale); Sun Nov 15 17:11:44 EST 1987
onfcanim	musocs(DIRECT), mcgill-vision(DIRECT), micomvax(HOURLY),
		watmath(DAILY/3), watcgl(DAILY),
		wavefront(DAILY*3), nrcctis(DAILY*3),
		alias(WEEKLY), dciem(WEEKLY)

#N	othervax
#S	VAX-11/780; UNIX  4.1bsd
#O	Philips Information Systems Ltd.
#C	Mark Seguin
#E	micomvax!othervax!cco
#T	+1 514 744 8200 (ext.2435)
#P	600 Dr. Frederick Philips Blvd, St. Laurent - QC, Canada
#L	45 31 N / 73 34 W
#U	micomvax
#W	othervax!cco (Mark Seguin); Wed Sep 25 20:30:00 EST 1985
othervax	micomvax(DEDICATED)

#N	sunkisd
#S	SUN 3/280; SUN OS 3.4
#O	Concordia University
#C	Frank Maselli
#E	sunkisd!postmaster
#T	+1 514 848 3031
#P	1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd West, Montreal Que., H3G 1M8
#L	45 31 N / 73 34 W city
#U	mult
#W	sunkisd!frank (Frank Maselli); Sun Feb 14 12:00:00 EST 1988
sunkisd	mult(DAILY)

#N	vedge
#S	sun 3/260; Sun unix 3.4
#O	Visual Edge Software
#C	David Lai
#E	postmaster@vedge.uucp
#T	+1 514 332 6430
#P	3870 Cote Vertu, St. Laurent, PQ, Canada H4R 1V4
#L	73 42 50 W / 45 29 23 N
#R	Software Development, Computer Graphics, User Interfaces, Scientific
#	Applications
#W	vedge!lai (David Lai); Tue 15 Mar 18:45:09 EDT 1988
#U	micomvax
vedge	micomvax(EVENING), musocs(HOURLY), onfcanim(HOURLY)

#N	zap
#S	TEC MASTER Advanced System+; Microport System V/AT 2.2
#O	ZAP (Denis Fortin)
#C	Denis Fortin
#E	zap!Postmaster
#T	+1 514 695 4045
#P	57 Denault, Kirkland, QC, Canada  H9J 3J2
#L	73 52 W / 45 27 N
#R	Private site
#U	odyssee iros1
#W	cae!fortin; Tue Jan 19 19:30:11 EST 1988
zap	odyssee(DIRECT),		# Odyssee Recherches Appliquees Inc.
	iros1(DIRECT),			# U. de M., Departement I.R.O.
	musocs(DIRECT+HIGH),		# U. McGill, C.S. Department
	elevia(DAILY/2),		# Diane Nault Inc.
	cae(DAILY/2),			# CAE Electronique Ltee
	micomvax(HOURLY),		# Philips-Micom
	mosart(DIRECT)			# Silicart Inc

:	End of shell archive
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