Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!cmcl2!nrl-cmf!ames!oliveb!epimass!jbuck
From: jbuck@epimass.EPI.COM (Joe Buck)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.headers
Subject: Re: routes vs addresses (was Re: ! and @ -- which RFC ?)
Message-ID: <2058@epimass.EPI.COM>
Date: 8 Apr 88 18:19:19 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To: jbuck@epimass.EPI.COM (Joe Buck)
Distribution: na
Organization: Entropic Processing, Inc., Cupertino, CA
Lines: 17

In article <> (Rich Salz) writes:
>>classify the following as route or address.
>This is an address of the form "" the "%" hack is
>nowhere defined.  Also, you're confusing things because epimass has
>a direct uunet link.

Nope.  Such mail will actually go from uunet to and then
to us, or take a completely different route depending on what's in
the map data.  epimass does not talk directly to uunet.  I give that
address so people with obsolete Internet mailers that don't
understand MX records (and there are a hell of a lot of them) can
mail to me.  Since MX records for point to,
it's really equivalent to for those purposes.  
- Joe Buck  {uunet,ucbvax,sun,}!!jbuck
	    Old Internet mailers: