Xref: utzoo sci.electronics:2795 comp.lsi:422
Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!lll-winken!lll-lcc!ames!pacbell!att-ih!ihnp4!ihuxv!tedk
From: tedk@ihuxv.ATT.COM (Kekatos)
Newsgroups: sci.electronics,comp.lsi
Subject: Re: Question about speech Synthesisor
Message-ID: <2580@ihuxv.ATT.COM>
Date: 14 Apr 88 17:08:47 GMT
References: <732@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>
Reply-To: tedk@ihuxv.UUCP (55624-Kekatos,T.G.)
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories - Naperville, Illinois
Lines: 39

In article <732@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> bkc@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Brad Clements) writes:
|I just returned from my local Radio Shack store, where I was looking
|over their speech synthesisor and controller chip. I didn't bye the
|set because they require a 3.12 Mhz and 10 Mhz crystal, both of
|which would have to be special ordered and might take over a month
|to get.

There was a series of articles here on the net about 2 months ago. Maybe
someone out here saved a copy of the articles. Sorry, I didn't.

There is a board available (built, not a kit) for the IBMPC. The entire thing
is only about $70. It's called COMPU-TALKER. It uses the same chip
set. It can be used with any computer by adding your own power
supply. Call B.G. MICRO at (214) 271-5546 for more info.

|What I'd like to know is if anyone has experience with these chips.
|How well does it sound and how well is the text converted to speech.
|Has anyone incorporated a 'exception EPROM' with their own special
|words to alonomes (?) conversions etc?

I own the COMPU-TALKER, I feel that I sounds fine, for the cost.

|Lastly, does anyone know where I can find these chips or similar
|construction materials (kits even) for less or sooner?

There are several books published about all the chips. One is titled
"Chip Talk".

|Any information would be appreciated, I am, after all, a basement
|experimentor and not well versed in the microprocesser field.

I am assuming that you own a computer. You will need something to 
send data to your Speech Synthesis box.  There have got to be
other boards and/or kits available.

Ted G. Kekatos
backbone!ihnp4!ihuxv!tedk                     (312) 979-0804
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Indian Hill South, IX-1F-460
Naperville & Wheaton Roads - Naperville, Illinois. 60566 USA