Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!uwvax!oddjob!gargoyle!att-ih!pacbell!ames!oliveb!pyramid!decwrl!hplabs!ucbvax!GULL.ULOWELL.EDU!lechner From: lechner@GULL.ULOWELL.EDU (Bob Lechner) Newsgroups: comp.lsi Subject: Re: Available Hardware Testers (inexpensive) Message-ID: <8804070200.AA04146@gull.ulowell=edu> Date: 7 Apr 88 02:00:16 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Organization: The Internet Lines: 11 I just read your msg. on vlsi network last year. How have yo made out on VLSI tester acq. or design? The organization is buying testers of some type for MA. eng . schools. It may have info. Contact: pcohen or I have ben trying to design a functional tester withg a PC host, in a comp eng course preceding a VLSI course. 30-50MHz clock rate, samppling scope approach to output data acquisition. Any ideas on this? RAM input at slower clock cycles, pattern generation within each cycle, video RAMS as data sources and sinks