Xref: utzoo comp.edu:1117 talk.religion.newage:1766 misc.misc:2650 Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!portal!cup.portal.com!Spirit From: Spirit@cup.portal.com Newsgroups: comp.edu,talk.religion.newage,misc.misc Subject: SuperLearning Message-ID: <4486@cup.portal.com> Date: 14 Apr 88 04:43:20 GMT Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 24 XPortal-User-Id: 1.1001.4197 Has anyone out there had any experiences with Superlearning (described in the book "Superlearning" by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder)? Did it work for you? Do you know where to get any public domain Superlearning music? Any comments? Please respond by email. I'll summarize the results and post them in a following article. Thanks, Jim Kitzmiller Action Base Software, 3960 Laurel Canyon, #449, Studio City, CA 91604 Phone: (213) 385-3626 Email: Spirit@cup.portal.com or: Spirit%cup.portal.com@sun.com or: {ucbvax,decwrl,decvax,seismo,hplabs}! sun!portal!cup.portal.com!Spirit