Xref: utzoo comp.edu:1095 misc.jobs.misc:1574
Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!seismo!sundc!pitstop!sun!decwrl!decvax!purdue!tlh
From: tlh@cs.purdue.EDU (Thomas L. Hausmann)
Newsgroups: comp.edu,misc.jobs.misc
Subject: Re: CS and Jobs
Message-ID: <3799@medusa.cs.purdue.edu>
Date: 7 Apr 88 22:10:57 GMT
References: <1838@ssc-vax.UUCP> <4103@whuts.UUCP> <2637@im4u.UUCP>
Sender: news@cs.purdue.EDU
Organization: Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
Lines: 15
Summary: reminder

In article <2637@im4u.UUCP>, animal@im4u.UUCP (Jeremy B. Blatt) writes:
> In article <4103@whuts.UUCP> spf@whuts.UUCP (Steve Frysinger of Blue Feather Farm) writes:
> >> If you really want to change the system, I think that having employers
> >> pay the costs of education is more realistic.
> >> ****-Tom****
Just a reminder that I posted someone's comments in that article...not my own.


(Set flames low...thanks.)

Tom Hausmann       Dept. of Computer Sciences     Purdue University
tlh@mordred.cs.purdue.edu    | My ideas?  There has never been an original
...!purdue!tlh               | thought since Plato.