Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!att-cb!att-ih!pacbell!ames!ncar!boulder!sunybcs!bingvaxu!leah!itsgw!steinmetz!ge-dab!codas!abcom!rgsmeb From: rgsmeb@abcom.ATT.COM (Michel Behna) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is CS? Message-ID: <569@abcom.ATT.COM> Date: 1 Apr 88 16:58:19 GMT References: <> Organization: Who? What? Where? ... Lines: 28 From article <>, by tlh@cs.purdue.EDU (Thomas L. Hausmann): > In article <439@abcom.ATT.COM>, rgsmeb@abcom.ATT.COM (Michel Behna) writes: >> From article <>, by tlh@cs.purdue.EDU (Thomas L. Hausmann): >> > In article <336@abcom.ATT.COM>, rgsmeb@abcom.ATT.COM (Michel Behna) writes: >> >> From article <4807@ecsvax.UUCP>, by hes@ecsvax.UUCP (Henry Schaffer): >> >> > In article <1000@mcgill-vision.UUCP>, mouse@mcgill-vision.UUCP (der Mouse) writes: > Clearly we are both aware that a university does much more than > qualify you to obtain work. To me this is the key. A univerisity gives > you a perspective that the world is more than your job. A university that > cuts its liberal education requirements in favor of courses to "prepare > people for the real world" short-changes the students and defeats its mission. Good Luck! if you think that you can get a job by just learning a language and hold it very long! You would stagnate like a swamp. And who said anything about cutting liberal arts programs. I have a BA in French Literature and Biology and a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science. All I said is that a little real world influence in a program will do it a lot more good, not harm!! I switched to CS because I could not get a job with my BA. How many CS graduates know how to program an IBM PC? How many know what a LAN is and how it works? How many understand that tech specs are the only reason many people buy computers of a particular brand? How many can justify it? Idealism is a beautiful thing but it does not work as good as realism! Michel Behna