Xref: utzoo comp.sys.cbm:913 comp.sys.amiga:1416 Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!think!ames!sdcsvax!nosc!humu!uhccux!miles From: miles@uhccux.UUCP (Miles Muraoka) Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm,comp.sys.amiga Subject: Commodore 900 Message-ID: <1305@uhccux.UUCP> Date: 15 Dec 87 02:27:54 GMT Organization: U. of Hawaii, Manoa (Honolulu) Lines: 15 Keywords: cbm commodore unix Does anybody know if Commodore ever released the 900? It was supposed to be a multi-user, multi-tasking, Unix-compatible business system that could support up to eight work stations. It used the Coherent operating system, which was supposed to be fully compatible with AT&T's UNIX System V, version 5.2... The first and *last* time I heard of this machine was in a news article written by Diane LeBold that appeared in the October 1985 issue of Commodore Microcomputers. If the 900 was released, could someone *please* mail me the address and/or phone number of a dealer (or otherwise) from whom I could order one. Thanks in advance... -- _ _ _ _ ' ) ) ) // ARPA: uhccux!miles@nosc.MIL / / / o // _ _ INET: miles@uhccux.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU / ' (_<_