Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!littlei!intelisc!omepd!hah From: (Hans Hansen) Newsgroups: comp.sys.transputer, Subject: Re: Atari/Perihelion Transputer Machine Spec Message-ID: <1201@omepd> Date: Thu, 5-Nov-87 02:16:53 EST Article-I.D.: omepd.1201 Posted: Thu Nov 5 02:16:53 1987 Date-Received: Sat, 7-Nov-87 17:33:07 EST References: <1034@titan.camcon.uucp> Sender: news@omepd Organization: Intel Oregon Microcomputer Engineering Lines: 192 Xref: mnetor comp.sys.transputer:21 In article <1034@titan.camcon.uucp> anc@camcon.uucp (Adrian Cockcroft) writes: This is my second attempt at posting this, the first attempt was just before it got a bit windy around here a few weeks ago, I have not seen any comment on that attempt so I assume it got lost in the hurricane. I have since seen at least one request for info on this machine in comp.sys.transputer so I am posting across amiga (where some dicussion has taken place) (since this is mentioned below) and transputer newsgroups. | Adrian Cockcroft anc@camcon.uucp ..!seismo!mcvax!ukc!camcon!anc -[T]- Cambridge Consultants Ltd, Science Park, Cambridge CB4 4DW, | England, UK (0223) 358855 (You are in a maze of twisty little C004's, all alike...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A presentation was given by Atari and Perihelion at the Cafe Royal in London on 22/9/87, over 100 software developers, hardware manufacturers and press people attended and no restrictions were made on the information presented at the meeting. I attended and this a quick summary of the notes I took at the meeting. First a benchmark reported by Inmos: Multivariate regression analysis IBM PC 45 minutes T800 18 seconds T800 x 4 7 seconds Inmos also had a T800 powered multiuser flight simulator that kept 4 people at a time happy shooting each other down. 4 T800's per user plus a T4 graphics card and a load of T2's handling the joysticks. All in an ITEM box together. The graphics animation was VERY smooth, far better than a SUN3/260C+fpa+gpone flight simulator I have played with. Atari and Perihelion have got together so that Perihelion are designing the hardware and the software for a high performance workstation to be manufactured and sold by Atari. Perihelion Hardware ------------------- Perihelion is headed by Jack Lang in Cambridge, England. The hardware division includes Richard Miller, Tim Dunn and ? Biscoe. Stage 1 Hardware is a Mega ST add-on system intended for software developers. Stage 2 Hardware is a compatible single box workstation. The Mega ST is a front end I/O processor only. The block diagram looks like: --------- ------------- |blitter| | 4 Mb DRAM | ----------- --------------- --------- --------- ------------- | Mega ST | | Interface | |T800-20| | | | kbd I/O |---| Link Adaptor|----| |--------------------- | mouse | | SCSI disk | | | | | | floppy | --------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ----------- | | | | |1 Mb VRAM| |Graphics| 4Mb/s|SCSI | | | ----------- ---------- ---------- 3 ECL buffered | 40 Mb | 20 MHz links | Winch | ---------- The box takes up to 16 Mb on the motherboard (using 4Mbit DRAMS) and has three expansion slots which can take either 4Mb (1Mbit) or 16Mb (4Mbit) of DRAM each for a total in the box of 64 Mb. The expansion slots use a single DIN plug (VME-type) and the 3 ECL buffered links go onto them so that a slot can contain a board with more transputers on it. Size is enough for four T800s + 1 Mb each per card. Graphics cards can also be used to replace the built-in hardware. The Blitter 2D fills at 128 Mpixels/sec, 2D block copy at 16 Mpixels/sec. (It has a novel architecture based on work by Phil Willis at Bath University). Graphics modes: 1280 * 960 * 4 bpp 1024 * 768 * 8 bpp 640 * 480 * 8 bpp 2 screens for animation 512 * 480 * 32 bpp true colour + overlay and tag bits 60 Hz, not sure about interlace, has some genlock capability. Probably uses Inmos G170 CLUT giving 256K colour shades. SCSI disk uses true DMA synchronous SCSI interface to get 4Mbytes/s, 40Mb is minimum size. A photo of a completed motherboard in box was shown, smaller than an IBM PC box with 3 fair sized slots. Perihelion Software ------------------- This is based in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England and is headed by Tim King ex of Metacomco, Amigados fame. Operating system called Helios written in C to support single processor workstations, 4 processor workstations, 1000 processor farms or anything inbetween. Helios is distributed, multiprocessor, multiuser, sympathetic to the Transputer and familiar to Unix users. Tim King has listened to the criticism of Amigados and has avoided a lot of the complaints about that system. It is based on message passing with transparent passing across processors, it uses a client/server model, has per-processor protection and capability based access. Networking and diskless workstations will be supported via the 3 ECL buffered links with no extra hardware. Applications can be written in 3 modes, the traditional single threaded program, unix-like multiple processes at a coarse grain level or parallel algorithms using a medium grain level. Existing TOS/GEM applications can run on the Mega ST front end processor. User Interface -------------- X-11 window system standard. GEM - translating GEM traps on the 68K i/o proc to the T800. GEM running under X-11 may be provided. Standard unix like shell command line interface. Compatibility ------------- MSDOS floppy disk format UNIX(TM) hard disk format UNIX(TM) compatible C library UNIX(TM) command subset Languages --------- C Pascal Lisp Fortran BCPL Occam Development Tools ----------------- Hosted on ST or Unix(TM) or MSDOS or native Asm/link C Debugger Atari's Position ---------------- They are looking for wider markets and want to go upmarket into workstation technology. The hardware design will be Atari's property but Helios is already spreading wider, another 4 companies are likely to use it so far. It will be launched at COMDEX as a Mega ST add-on for developers. Development systems available in Dec 87/Jan 88. The standalone system will be launched at Hannover in March 88. Product in the shops in June 88 in the UK. Product in Europe 6 months later and US launch June 89, giving a years head start to the UK software developers and a chance for the machine to gather some applications software before it hits the US. Cost ---- Priced well below Mac II, base level entry price (no winchester or monitor) aimed at 1000 pounds according to Jack Lang. For now they will provide a set of 3 manuals, User Manual, Developers Manual and Technical Manual for 50 pounds, you then become a registered developer and get a priority place in the queue for developers hardware in December. Apply for more information to: Perihelion Software Limited 24 Brewmaster Buildings Charlton Trading Estate Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 5QE Phone: 0749 4203 -- | Adrian Cockcroft anc@camcon.uucp ..!seismo!mcvax!ukc!camcon!anc -[T]- Cambridge Consultants Ltd, Science Park, Cambridge CB4 4DW, | England, UK (0223) 358855 (You are in a maze of twisty little C004's, all ald theri