Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!vrdxhq!ms3!isns01
From: isns01@ms3.UUCP (Jim Chappell)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions,comp.text,comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Wanted -pepson nroff capability
Message-ID: <589@ms3.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 3-Jul-87 16:09:15 EDT
Article-I.D.: ms3.589
Posted: Fri Jul  3 16:09:15 1987
Date-Received: Sat, 4-Jul-87 14:36:07 EDT
Organization: ISN HIOS Project, Arlington, VA
Lines: 16
Keywords: nroff, epson
Xref: mnetor comp.unix.questions:3067 comp.text:922 comp.sys.cbm:552

Has anyone developed the capability to use an epson printer with nroff?
I have a Commodore 128 with an RX-80 at home that really doesn't work with
the traditional 'char-backspace-underline' underlining technique of nroff.

Alternatively, has anyone got a filter that will take such output and convert
it to epson compatible output?

I'll post responses.

Jim Chappell  ...!seismo!vrdxhq!ms3!jrc 
ISN Corp.	(703) 979-8900
1235A Jeff Davis Hwy, Suite 220
Arlington, Va 2Z