Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!gatech!hubcap!ncrcae!ncr-sd!hp-sdd!hplabs!sdcrdcf!otto!rex From: rex@otto.COM (Rex Jolliff) Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm Subject: Re: Commodore 2031 disk drive Message-ID: <468@otto.COM> Date: Fri, 19-Jun-87 04:03:25 EDT Article-I.D.: otto.468 Posted: Fri Jun 19 04:03:25 1987 Date-Received: Mon, 22-Jun-87 03:33:58 EDT References: <> Reply-To: rex@otto.UUCP (Rex Jolliff) Distribution: na Organization: Las Vegas Sun Lines: 23 Summary: Expires: Sender: Followup-To: Keywords: Sorry about posting this to the entire network, but our mailer wouln't accept his mail address. Besides, this might help other people too... I have heard that the 'ISEPIC' cartridge will remove the protection from most pieces of software. It works by a flipping a switch on the cartridge, then whatever is in memory will be saved out to disk. So anything that does'nt do repeated protection checks will be made useful with this device. If you are using it for your own purposes it should be perfectly legal. Just one problem, you will need a friend with a 1541 to do the 'protection stripping' with. The 'ISEPIC' cartridge adds it's own fastloader to the converted software, and I have heard that this fastloader will work with IEEE type(2031, SFD-1001, etc.) disk drives. I'm not sure of the address of the company, but the company's name is Starpoint software. just look it up in any _RUN_ or _Compute_ magazine. Hope I helped ya! ** Rex! ** -- Rex Jolliff (rex@otto.UUCP, {akgua,ihnp4,mirror,sdcrdcf}!otto!rex) The Sun Newspaper - |Disclaimer: The opinions and comments in Nevada's Largest Daily Morning | this article are my own and in no way Newspaper | reflect the opinions of my employers.