Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!utgpu!utfyzx!oscvax!utflis!wayne
From: wayne@utflis.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.sys.masscomp
Subject: Please help!!
Message-ID: <722@utflis.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 31-May-87 20:50:11 EDT
Article-I.D.: utflis.722
Posted: Sun May 31 20:50:11 1987
Date-Received: Mon, 1-Jun-87 06:35:18 EDT
Reply-To: wayne@utflis.UUCP (Wayne Young)
Distribution: na
Organization: FLIS, University of Toronto
Lines: 25

Why can't our /etc/gpc/windowman access tty4?

We are a site with a single MC-500 running 4.2BSD Unix.  We also 
have the SP-40 version 2.5 graphics package.

Two weeks ago, our system crashed when it ran out of memory during
execution of a program.  In attempting to get it working again, 
(cleaning up the disk) the file /dev/tty4 was inadvertantly rm'ed
(removed).  This, of course, caused /etc/gpc/windowman to complain
that it couldn't access tty4 (it wasn't there).

To correct this problem, I have used mknod(8) to create tty4,
which worked, but still windowman could not access it!  I have tried
changing the mode (chmod), changing the ownership, everything, but
to no avail.

Could someone kindly email me some advice on how to correct this
problem?  Our only guru seems to be on vacation at the moment, and
I need to get some work done!  Thanks in advance,

Wayne Young