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From: (Stan Barber, Moderator)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.masscomp
Subject: Summary of Masscomp Users' Society Annual Meeting part 2
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 18-May-87 19:01:57 EDT
Article-I.D.: soma.3111
Posted: Mon May 18 19:01:57 1987
Date-Received: Sun, 24-May-87 01:58:17 EDT
Organization: Masscomp Users' Society
Lines: 42

This is the final installment summarizing what happened at
the 1987 Annual MUS meeting held in Braintree, MA from Tuesday,
April 27th until Thursday, April 30th.

Initially, I will summarize those things I personnally took notes on.
Any other persons who want to submit summaries, please do so.

This summary concerns MUS itself.

During the business meeting, new officers were elected.
Stan Barber of Baylor College of Medicine was elected President.
Jim White of The University of Tennessee Space Institute was elected
Dale Chayes of Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory was elected Secretary.
Tom O'Brian of the U.S. Geological Survey was elected Treasurer.

You can reach Stan electronically as
Dale can be reached at ..!philabs!lamont!dale.

The Editor of MUSings will be Bettina Bair of Cranfield-Phoenix Data
Systems and the Program Chairman of the 1988 Meeting is Ira Gentry, also
of Cranfield-Phoenix. We hope to see the next issue of MUSings in June
and we will have the site and date annoucement of the next international
meeting at that time. Three regional meetings are being planned as well.
One on the West coast, one on the Gulf Coast and one in the Southeast.
We will let you know the specifics once they become known.

A Technical Advisory Commitee was selected to survey the membership
of a "wish list" of items people would like to see Masscomp do in
future releases of software and hardware. You should see a survey out
sometime this summer. Member of this committee include: Keith Knox,
Tony Tinkle  and Bob Sailey.

In other news, a group of Masscomp users in France will be forming
a French MUS. They should be having a meeting in October.

This is the end of summary 3. If you were there and you disagree with
my statements here, please drop me a line.

Stan Barber, President
Masscomp Users' Society
Moderator of comp.sys.masscomp