Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!ucla-cs!ames!ptsfa!ihnp4!cbatt!soma!masscomp-request
From: dale@lamont.UUCP (dale chayes)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.masscomp
Subject: Masscomp/TCP and Microvax/Decnet A Question
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 8-May-87 19:34:40 EDT
Article-I.D.: soma.3077
Posted: Fri May  8 19:34:40 1987
Date-Received: Sun, 10-May-87 01:47:42 EDT
Organization: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory N.Y.
Lines: 28
Keywords: Masscomp Microvax TCP Decnet

We are obligated to put two MicroVaxes running MicroVMS with Decnet onto
an ethernet segment with several Masscomps (running RTU (a SYSV variant))
and TCP/IP protocol. I would like to hear from anyone with hands on
(fingers?) experience (positive and/or negative.)

Beyond having the two protocols running on the same segment, we need (would
like to ) (will probably be shot if we can't) have a moderate level of 
transparency between the two operating systems.  

We have in-house experience with Eunice on a -780 in out SUN/MASSCOMP net
and do not see that as suitable. How about the recent software that 
Wollongong is making such pretty adds about? Anyone have real experience? 

Please reply via mail to:

USNET:	....!philabs!lamont!dale
PHONE:	(914) 359-2900 ext 434

are we having fun yet?....

[My recommendation is to get a translator. Sun apparently can do this.
A MicroVax running Ultrix can certainly do this. Alternately, you can 
put TCP on the Vaxen... I hear that DEC can do this now... - sob]