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From: vodall@hpfcdq.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.sys.m6809
Subject: Re: Re: C compiler performance
Message-ID: <300002@hpfcdq.HP.COM>
Date: Tue, 26-May-87 12:29:47 EDT
Article-I.D.: hpfcdq.300002
Posted: Tue May 26 12:29:47 1987
Date-Received: Sat, 30-May-87 08:48:35 EDT
References: <58400006@gorgo.UUCP>
Organization: Hewlett Packard, TWO
Lines: 15

>   I just got a Disto 512K ramdisk the other day.  Would you believe 
>>>10 SECONDS<< to compile and load a "hello, world" C program!  A 
>60-liner only took 50 seconds.  I'm in love!

Are you using a Coco III or Coco II?  I'm having a heck of a time trying
to get the compiler to run with a J&R ramdisk because of the memory
limitation on a Coco II.  And there's no chance when I try to use the
"real" terminal logged in as an additional user.  I admit it, I'm hopelessly
spoiled and can't use the coco's slow disk drives, plastic keyboard or
32 character lines.  The Microware C is very complete but it's just too much
for the little computer.  If I don't find a version soon I'm going to port
my FLEX version of Small-C to OS9.

Bill Vodall