Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!mit-eddie!think!ames!lll-tis!ohlone!ojibwa!tds From: tds@ojibwa Newsgroups: comp.sys.m6809 Subject: Re: C compiler performance Message-ID: <16800004@ojibwa> Date: Tue, 26-May-87 21:42:00 EDT Article-I.D.: ojibwa.16800004 Posted: Tue May 26 21:42:00 1987 Date-Received: Fri, 29-May-87 06:05:39 EDT References: <> Lines: 26 Nf-ID: Nf-From: ojibwa!tds May 26 18:42:00 1987 Sorry i omitted the details. I did everything possible to speed up the process: loaded all the c.* files into main memory (leaves quite a bit of memory left about 200K?) put the "defs" and "lib" directories into ramdisk, used pipes between c.prep, c.pass1 and c.pass2 (omitting c.opt to save more time) directed intermediate and executable files to ramdisk. As far as clock speed, i didn't do anything (that i know of) to change it from the default you come up with under coco 3/level II. I guess thats 1.8 MHz, right? I used the standard lib/clib.l file. BTW, i had to code up my own driver for the disto ramdisk. the floppy they sent had only the drivers for the add-ins: clock, parallel printer, etc. I don't think i did *that* good a job to account for the difference in results you report. (I said a "hello, world" program compiled to executable in 10 seconds, you said 60). As far as the 60-liner taking 50 seconds: hey, that still ain't bad!! (and no annoying grinding sounds from the disks) tim sirianni