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Path: utzoo!lsuc!jimomura
From: jimomura@lsuc.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.sys.m6809
Subject: Re: C bugs
Message-ID: <1794@lsuc.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 16-May-87 01:18:06 EDT
Article-I.D.: lsuc.1794
Posted: Sat May 16 01:18:06 1987
Date-Received: Sat, 16-May-87 14:32:41 EDT
References: <>
Reply-To: jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura)
Organization: Consultant, Toronto
Lines: 57
Summary: Uuencode/decode

     Mark!  Bad timing man!  I ported a Uuencode and Uudecode to OSK
a few days ago.  I ported a DRI C version and it compiled without any
changes in the Uudecode and only 2 small changed in the Uuencode.
I thought about posting it but changed my mind.  I expect that they
would have compiled equally under 6809 C.  Oh well.

     In case anyone is interested, on BIX we've got the following work
in progress:

1.  Modified Lempel-Ziv Compress (same 'compress' as on most Unix systems).
    I got this to work on small text files.  It died on object code and
    on large text files.  I have no further time to debug it.  If someone
    else wants to finish it I'll send it via mail.

2.  ARC has been ported by a fellow in Germany.  I'm awaiting a copy and
    I'll get in touch with Software Enhancements for their approval to
    post it to BIX when it arrives.  I'll also ask about the Net.

3.  SDB.  The Users' Group has a port of this apparently, but I didn't find
    out until after I'd started my own port.  I don't know what version
    the Users' Group has, so I may finish this port.  Someone else on
    BIX may finish it anyway.  There didn't seem to be much to do.

4.  Proff.  I looked at the code, shook my head and said "not right now".
    I like 'proff'.  It doesn't look all that portable though.  Not after
    I started really looking at it.

5.  KB (Knowledge Base)  Same problems as Proff.  I've halted work on it
    for now.  These two programs seem too difficult for me to do at my
    current level of experience.  Maybe later.

6.  'Profit' is one of those weird deals where the author has requested
    that you don't post ported versions.  It's easy enough to port, but
     you have to get the sources from the author ($5.00 or so).  Did I
     say Profit?  Wrong program.  I meant 'Planit'.

7.  I've just begun a rough spec for a calendar/datebook.  I'm also looking
    to see if someone else has written one I like.  I don't want to write
    one if I can avoid it, but it's starting to look necessary.

     These are most of the current public domain things I'm involved in
one way or the other (and other members of BIX).  As a commercial enterprise,
someone on BIX is porting X-Windows to a high performance OS-9 machine
with ACRTC support, but that has nothing to do with the conference directly.
We're looking forward to his/their report though.

     I'm glad to hear that someone is working on Uuslave.  I've seen the
sources for Uuslave and Uuclone and I don't like the looks of either.
They both seem to have substantial portions of machine code which may
just amount to drivers, but may cause problems.  Good luck to him/them(?)!!

Cheers! -- Jim O.
Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura