Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!utgpu!utcsri!utegc!utai!garfield!jay From: jay@garfield.UUCP Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm Subject: C-POWER || POWER-C ? Message-ID: <3684@garfield.UUCP> Date: Tue, 2-Jun-87 11:26:45 EDT Article-I.D.: garfield.3684 Posted: Tue Jun 2 11:26:45 1987 Date-Received: Wed, 3-Jun-87 07:02:34 EDT Reply-To: jay@garfield.UUCP (Jay Kumarasingam) Distribution: na Organization: Memorial University of Nfld, St. John's Lines: 22 I just purchased the Power C and Power Assembler which are under the Better Working Series from Spinnaker. Blew me away. The Power C package comes with 2 disks and a manual. The disks corresponds to c-power 64 and c-power 128. Also the 64 version is unprotected thus you can put the compiler on the work disk which is great. There does not seem to to any differences between c-power or power-c expect in maybe the name. All the files on the disks are the same except for the test program, which now contains Spinnaker's address. The Power Assember is Proline's Buddy assember for the 128. But the Power version comes with a version that works in 64 mode. It is version 8.2 of Chris Miller's Buddy. Anybody knows what going on has Spinnaker taken over distribution for Proline, bought them out, or what. Also I would like to know if the "C-Compiler" versions sold by Spinnaker (same program different clothes) have access to the bbs handled by Proline. Brian Hilchie if you are out there, any comments. Jay -- J.(Jay) Kumarasingam UUCP: {akgua,allegra,cbosgd,ihnp4,seismo,utcsri}!garfield!jay EAN: jay@garfield.mun.cdn CSNET: jay%garfield.mun.cdn@ubc.csnet