Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!husc6!think!ames!ptsfa!dual!ucbvax!COGSCI.BERKELEY.EDU!bryce From: bryce@COGSCI.BERKELEY.EDU (Bryce Nesbitt) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga,comp.sys.cbm Subject: Re: Re: rip-off companies (was Re: PD Boot Disks) Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 31-May-87 17:49:21 EDT Article-I.D.: cogsci.8705312149.AA01483 Posted: Sun May 31 17:49:21 1987 Date-Received: Tue, 2-Jun-87 02:48:51 EDT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Lines: 38 Xref: mnetor comp.sys.amiga:5314 comp.sys.cbm:489 in article <> elg@killer.UUCP (Eric Green) typed: > I talked to one kid who wrote a program for Megasoft, > and he says that he received whole $12 in royalties, and Megasoft said that > they only sold 10 copies... If you have ever see my standard "giveaway" program disclaimer you will notice that it basically says that, out of the 4.5 billion or so people on this planet I exclude only four from doing whatever they want with that software. Two of these are Reggie Warren and Jim Drew, owener/operator and primary "contributor" to (you guessed it) Megasoft. The other two names mentioned are Robert Skyles and his company, Skyles Electric Works (tm?). I don't really want to go into details at the moment, but let it suffice to say that exclusion was made for a perceived "abuse of software" "theft" and/or "malicious use of the legal system for monetary enrichment". The cases are still pending. (lawyers, guns, money...) But don't let that affect your purchasing decisions or deter YOU from marketing YOUR products via these companies. > Ya know, none of this cr*p would be necessary if we all tried to live like > human beings and quit trying to f*ck each other.... sigh.... it's enough to > make a person ashamed of being a member of the same species. !!! (Maybe we, John Lennon and a few others could get together and designate a new species :-) :-) :-) :-) 8-} ------------- Ack! (NAK,EOT,SOH) |\ /| . {o O} . bryce@cogsci.berkeley.EDU -or- ucbvax!cogsci!bryce ( " ) Disclaimer: The above is an expression of opinion and may not U necessarily reflect light or other specific portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Single Tasking? Just say *NO!*