Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!mit-eddie!apollo!mishkin From: mishkin@apollo.uucp (Nathaniel Mishkin) Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Subject: Re: Ethernet Suffering Message-ID: <34cc5bee.c366@apollo.uucp> Date: Mon, 11-May-87 10:35:00 EDT Article-I.D.: apollo.34cc5bee.c366 Posted: Mon May 11 10:35:00 1987 Date-Received: Wed, 13-May-87 02:35:21 EDT References: <34bd5209.c366@apollo.uucp> Reply-To: mishkin@apollo.UUCP (Nathaniel Mishkin) Distribution: world Organization: Apollo Computer, Chelmsford, MA Lines: 13 In an earlier posting of mine, I unjustly sullied the capabilities of the NFS protocol in the area of caching. My cursory reading the the NFS Protocol Spec (which doesn't explicitly discuss caching issues) failed to catch the frequent "attributes" return parameters that one is, I take it, to use in cache management if one is to have an efficient NFS implementation. Open mouth; extract foot. -- -- Nat Mishkin Apollo Computer Inc. Chelmsford, MA {wanginst,yale,mit-eddie}!apollo!mishkin