Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!cbatt!ucbvax!decvax!dartvax!earleh From: earleh@dartvax.UUCP Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac,comp.emacs Subject: microemacs 3.8 for Mac, SE, Mac II Message-ID: <6219@dartvax.UUCP> Date: Fri, 15-May-87 16:24:49 EDT Article-I.D.: dartvax.6219 Posted: Fri May 15 16:24:49 1987 Date-Received: Sat, 16-May-87 21:20:02 EDT Organization: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Graduate Students Lines: 46 Keywords: keycodes, compatibility, help Xref: utgpu comp.sys.mac:2923 comp.emacs:884 I am working on a new port of microemacs 3.8 to the Mac. This is a combination of routines from Dave Burnard's 3.7i port and my previously posted 3.8 port. I believe I have things worked out so the program is worthy of posting, except for one small detail, which some kind soul might send me a note on. By adding Dave's routines and mine together, plus some extra coding, I now have a Mac microemacs which supports scroll bars, resized windows, mouse cursor positioning, and enough Mac-like gravy to allow it to masquerade as a Macintosh application (in addition to being a serious text editor). I had occasion to test the program out at my dealer today on an SE and a Mac II. Everything worked out just fine. Thanks to a USENET article I read before, I correctly guessed at the method to detect the new control key (why didn't they put a control key on the Mac in the first place?) Now for the problem: The new Macs have a real escape key (same comment applies) and also, apparently, real cursor keys, unlike the broken ones the Mac+ comes with. This is my question: What is the recommended manner of detecting the escape key and the cursor keys on the new machines? I am not a registered Mac developer, but rather a hobbyist, and do not have the same access to information that I assume others might have. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE MAIL ME THE KEYCODES FOR THESE KEYS SO THAT I CAN POST THIS PROGRAM? I am using GetNextEvent and a keymap so that I can use the option key as a META key, so I need keycodes, not ASCII values! I do not have one of the new machines myself, and so cannot experiment to determine the correct values. By the way, there is a serious bug in display.c, at least in the version that I have. In the vtinit() routine, where space is malloced for the virtual and physical screens, only enough space is malloced for the CURRENT number of rows and columns! On a machine like the Mac, where the "terminal" size can change at any moment, this is a serious oversight. On the Mac, I can make the window twice as wide as the screen if I need to, and this results in the display routines writing to space they do not own. A fix is to change most of the occurences of "term.t_ncol" and "term.t_nrow" in vtinit() to "term.t_mcol" and "term.t_mrow". Thanks in advance. Earle Horton earleh@dartvax -- **************************************************************************** * Dot seegnachur? I don' got to show you no steenkeen dot seegnachur!! * ****************************************************************************