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Newsgroups: comp.emacs
Subject: Emacs under Ridge ROS 3.x?
Message-ID: <8705121453.AA09524@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 12-May-87 11:11:06 EDT
Article-I.D.: EDDIE.8705121453.AA09524
Posted: Tue May 12 11:11:06 1987
Date-Received: Thu, 14-May-87 07:01:52 EDT
Sender: daemon@eddie.MIT.EDU
Lines: 29

Date: 11 May 1987, 18:06:13 SET
From: Alfred Schmidt            0228 - 733427        SCHMIDT  at DBNUAMA1

Some months ago I did a partial (with some bugs) implememtation
of GNU Emacs 17.49 on our Ridge (BULL called here) machine under ROS 3.3
(a UNIX look-alike with some System V and some BSD 4.2 features).
Some days ago I found about the existence of this news-list
(so I havn't read many of the previous contributions),
and now I have some questions:

- has anybody done a (full working) implementation of Emacs (and
  what version?) for ROS 3.x ?
  (in the moment we have some problems with the shell-on-region and
  similar commands, with the ^G aborting, with file-insert (where
  Emacs doesn't see all files that he should), and some more...)

- what is the presently distributed version of GNU Emacs? (18.45??)
  Is there anyone in europe who owns an up-to-date distribution tape,
  or do I have to question for it in the US?
  (There seems to be no fast way to get a tape from west germany to US
  and back in only a couple of weeks...)

Thanks to everyone who answers
(via personal electronic mail or to the public list).

Alfred Schmidt  ( SCHMIDT @ DBNUAMA1 . BITNET )
Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik, Univ. Bonn, West Germany