Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!rutgers!ames!oliveb!pyramid!prls!philabs!westpt!bill From: bill@westpt.UUCP Newsgroups: comp.emacs,comp.unix.xenix Subject: Re: Editing large files in MicroEmacs under SCO Xenix 2.2 Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 11-May-87 12:14:56 EDT Article-I.D.: westpt.777 Posted: Mon May 11 12:14:56 1987 Date-Received: Thu, 14-May-87 04:58:01 EDT References: <5728@eddie.MIT.EDU> <647@unm-la.UUCP> Organization: US Military Academy, West Point, NY Lines: 18 Keywords: emacs xenix sysV large-file-compilation Xref: utgpu comp.emacs:862 comp.unix.xenix:275 Summary: memory model problem I also had a problem with editing files over 20k on the PC but after recompiling everything using the large memory model the problem went away. If you are having this problem and are using the large model I would report it to the compiler writters and not to the emacs writters. :-) The error you get is "can't allocate xx bytes" and the message is put out when malloc() fails as he tries to build the linked list containing the file you are editing. Hope this info helps. I have found Microemacs to be about the best editor I have used on my PC so far. bill gunshannon UUCP: {philabs,phri}!westpt!bill PHONE: (914)446-7747 US SNAIL: Martin Marietta Data Systems RADIO: KB3YV USMA, Bldg 600, Room 26 AX.25 KB3YV @ WA2RKN West Point, NY 10996