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From: bdale@winfree.UUCP (Bdale Garbee)
Newsgroups: comp.emacs,comp.sys.nsc.32k
Subject: GNU's gdb on ns32k?
Message-ID: <34@winfree.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 6-May-87 18:41:02 EDT
Article-I.D.: winfree.34
Posted: Wed May  6 18:41:02 1987
Date-Received: Sat, 9-May-87 04:07:34 EDT
Reply-To: bdale@winfree.UUCP (Bdale Garbee)
Distribution: world
Organization: Bdale's Berkeley Box, Colorado Springs
Lines: 9
Xref: mnetor comp.emacs:926 comp.sys.nsc.32k:135

Has anyone gotten the GNU gdb package working on a system using a National
32k series processor?  I run a 4.2bsd-ish 32016, and would dearly like to
make it work.  Any help before I jump in head-first would be appreciated!


Bdale Garbee, N3EUA		phone: 303/593-9828 h, 303/590-2868 w
uucp: {bellcore,crash,hp-lsd,hpcsma,ncc,pitt,usafa,vixie}!winfree!bdale
fido: sysop of 128/19		packet: n3eua @ k0hoa, Colorado Springs