Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!ames!cit-vax!oberon!!blarson From: (Bob Larson) Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions,,comp.lang.misc Subject: Re: Teaching Assembler on VAX (BSD 4.3) Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 18-May-87 03:07:27 EDT Article-I.D.: castor.2242 Posted: Mon May 18 03:07:27 1987 Date-Received: Mon, 18-May-87 06:42:05 EDT References: <351@aucs.UUCP> <588@maccs.UUCP> <> <593@maccs.UUCP> <6725@mimsy.UUCP> <27848@rochester.ARPA> Reply-To: (Bob Larson) Organization: USC AIS, Los Angeles Lines: 18 Xref: mnetor comp.unix.questions:2378 comp.lang.misc:400 In article <27848@rochester.ARPA> ken@rochester.UUCP (Ken Yap) writes: >Frankly I think teaching more than a smattering of assembler is a >WOMBAT (waste of money, brains and time). It should only be necessary >for that 1% of bit-twiddling that needs speed or needs to use a special >instruction. Or to read generated code, if you write compilers. Reading generated code is useful for tracking bugs (both compiler and user) and undocumented compiler features down also. (The latter I do use on a compiler I have NO documentation on. (It is NOT an illegal copy.)) I've even found that reading a dissasebled listing of something written in assembly can help track down inefficancies. (The assembler in question made pessimistic assumptions about relitive addresses.) -- Bob Larson Arpa: Blarson@Usc-Ecl.Arpa Uucp: (several backbone sites)!sdcrdcf!usc-oberon!!blarson seismo!cit-vax!usc-oberon!!blarson