Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!gatech!gitpyr!kludge
From: kludge@gitpyr.gatech.EDU (Scott Dorsey)
Subject: Re: Cheating on Programming Assignments (Honor System)
Message-ID: <3555@gitpyr.gatech.EDU>
Date: Sat, 9-May-87 00:43:15 EDT
Article-I.D.: gitpyr.3555
Posted: Sat May  9 00:43:15 1987
Date-Received: Sun, 10-May-87 01:17:20 EDT
References: <263@rruxa.UUCP> <1466@uvacs.CS.VIRGINIA.EDU> <3546@gitpyr.gatech.EDU> <6601@mimsy.UUCP>
Reply-To: kludge@gitpyr.UUCP (Scott Dorsey)
Organization: Georgia College Of Universal Knowledge
Lines: 23
Keywords: cheating, honor systems, crock

In article <6601@mimsy.UUCP> beth@brillig.UUCP (Beth Katz) writes:
>Okay, this makes W&M students sound saintly.  They are far from it.
>I spent four years there.  I testified against someone after showing
>rather convincingly that they had grabbed someone's program out of
>the trash and copied it.  They were given an F in the course.  I know
>of athletes being expelled for second offenses.  Yes, they were
>star players.  Tough.  They blew it.  Proceedings are confidential,
>but you hear rumors about these things.

    That's a good point.  At William and Mary, if anyone is seen cheating,
people notice it.  They bring them into an honor court.  People testify 
against them.  This is because the majority of people follow the code, and
that is all that is needed to enforce it.  Here at Tech, as a TA I have
see huge numbers of people cheating.  I give them zeros for the assignment
or test.  I could send them to the dean, which I have done, but this does
little good (nothing is done), and only raises students' ire against me.  If
a student is noticed cheating, his fellow students don't report him, they
get the answers from him.
Scott Dorsey   Kaptain_Kludge
ICS Programming Lab (Where old terminals go to die),  Rich 110,
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 36681, Atlanta, Georgia 30332