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Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!rutgers!mit-eddie!cybvax0!frog!celtics!roger
From: roger@celtics.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.arch,
Subject: Re: Benchmarking the 532, 68030, MIPS, a Usenix!
Message-ID: <1556@celtics.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 26-May-87 08:47:54 EDT
Article-I.D.: celtics.1556
Posted: Tue May 26 08:47:54 1987
Date-Received: Thu, 28-May-87 06:29:44 EDT
References: <324@dumbo.UUCP> <809@killer.UUCP> <2417@homxa.UUCP>
Reply-To: roger@celtics.UUCP (Roger B.A. Klorese)
Organization: CELERITY (Northeast Area), Framingham, MA
Lines: 62
Xref: utgpu comp.arch:1293

In article <691@cpocd2.UUCP> howard@cpocd2.UUCP (Howard A. Landman) writes:
>Far too many sales people leave themselves logged in as root so they don't
>ever run into permission problems.  I was almost tempted to do "rm -r /".
Why is this unreasonable?  It's THEIR demo... if they don't bolt down
a laser printer they're exhibiting and turn their backs, do you have the
right to steal it because it's "unprotected"?  People running a booth at a
trade show are often (a) technically out of their league, and (b) there
to perform sales-oriented activities, which is their skill.  We often 
cannot afford to have heavy tech types in booths; in fact, it's often
counterproductive.  (I think of the technical marketing person who stood
in our booth a few years ago, and when asked: "Do you have NFS?"  "Do
you have LISP?"  "Do you have MACSYMA?"  "Do you have a version of TeX?"
"Do you run GNU Emacs?"... responded, "NO!  These are our products, just 
look at the list."  Made a lot of friends, she did... and, by the way,
all the requested stuff was either about to be released or being worked
on at customer sites...)

I can understand the temptation to exercise known bugs.  But there's no
reason to interfere with people's livelihood when your test is either
destructive or time-wasting.  If you want to test these things, either make
arrangements to do them at a local office or during slow booth-time, or
check with the booth staff and let them know the possible consequences of
your acts.  The public does need to be protected from genuinely bad
products, but the sort of "I'm gonna trash you - you deserve it because
you haven't fixed an obscure bug or you left your system wide open to me"
games often played by hackers who are in an exhibition hall to exhibit
themselves and not to see and evaluate the products legitimately are
just indefensible.  Those hackers generally show themselves off, all
right, in the most appropriate light.

>And they left one machine dead
>with a panic message on its screen for over 10 minutes before one of the
>sales people noticed me peering at it; his solution was to stand between me
>and the screen!  No *ssholes were required, just bugs!
Odds are the salesperson COULDN'T reboot the system.  Given a choice
between my reps knowing how to boot my system and knowing how to prospect,
I'll take the latter any day.  You're such a big shot as to take pleasure
in bringing their demo system down, bring it up again... if I owned a
grocery store and you knocked down a display, I'd expect you to at least 
offer to pick it up.

>A computer needs to be *RELIABLE*.  You find out how reliable by, among other
>methods, stress testing the system, trying to exercise *ALL* the features,
>not just the ones in the canned demo.  If I can crash a system in five minutes
>doing things that are normal, legal, and *NECESSARY* for everyday function,
>then I know it can't possibly be reliable.  Does this make me malicious?
If you're doing it in a public exhibition, yes.  The point of security is 
to protect systems and data THAT IS REASONABLY AT RISK.  At a show, the
risk is not reasonable; it's imposed by crybabies who have nothing better
to do.  Systems at a trade show are physically secure, in that their owners
control physical access.  If you are granted access, you're a guest, and
should behave like one.  By all means, exercise the systems (within the
time and resource limits given you by the vendor), but if you feel the
urge to destroy, go out and punch a Bo-Bo doll.

 ///==\\   (No disclaimer - nobody's listening anyway.)
///        Roger B.A. Klorese, CELERITY (Northeast Area)
\\\        40 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701  +1 617 872-1552
 \\\==//   celtics!roger@seismo.CSS.GOV - seismo!celtics!roger