Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!princeton!allegra!ulysses!bellcore!u1100a!toh From: toh@u1100a.UUCP (Tom O. Huleatt) Newsgroups: Subject: Request for knowledge base portability info Message-ID: <900@u1100a.UUCP> Date: Mon, 10-Nov-86 19:38:00 EST Article-I.D.: u1100a.900 Posted: Mon Nov 10 19:38:00 1986 Date-Received: Tue, 11-Nov-86 00:02:45 EST Organization: Bell Communications Research, Piscataway, NJ Lines: 21 Keywords: knowledge base portability [Sorry if you see this twice -- postnews gagged on, so I resubmitted.] Does anyone out there have experience with (or knowledge of) Knowledge Base portability issues? We have been using a home-grown rule-based system, and we are concerned about protecting our knowledge engineering investment as we move to other (more versatile) expert system shells. (These new systems will probably be rule-based, too.) I only have experience with our current system, so I'm not sure how much work is required to port one of our knowledge bases. I'd also be interested to hear any tips about what we could be doing with our knowledge bases now to increase their portability. Please send me email with suggestions (or pointers to ref. material). Thank you, Tom Huleatt [bellcore, ihnp4, pyuxww, allegra]!u1100a!toh Bell Communications Research Piscataway, NJ 08854 (201) 699-4506