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Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!caip!daemon
From: pipedev@nadc
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: C-Power 128 and Kermit
Message-ID: <3297@caip.RUTGERS.EDU>
Date: Tue, 9-Sep-86 11:24:18 EDT
Article-I.D.: caip.3297
Posted: Tue Sep  9 11:24:18 1986
Date-Received: Tue, 9-Sep-86 20:24:50 EDT
Sender: daemon@caip.RUTGERS.EDU
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 11

From: pipedev@NADC

C-Power 128 is available from Pro-Line in Canada, and in fine computer stores
everywhere in the states.  I believe the price is $89.95 from Pro-Line, but
I've seen it for less in the stores.
Kermit for the 128 mode of the 128 is not a reality.  However, Kermit for
CP/M mode certainly exists, and works quite well (at least as good as IMP and
MEX).  Check out the SIMTEL20 CP/M archives in pd:cp4-c128.lbr I
believe.  Also available on Genie and/or Compuserve.
Frank Prindle