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From: (moody)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: getting your very own personal copy of KERMIT
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 25-Aug-86 21:28:36 EDT
Article-I.D.: k.1418
Posted: Mon Aug 25 21:28:36 1986
Date-Received: Wed, 27-Aug-86 10:54:46 EDT
Reply-To: (moody)
Organization: Purdue University Computing Center
Lines: 113
Keywords: KERMIT

 Hello All.

  Many users have expressed interest in getting Kermit.  Kermit is a *VERY*
good program for terminal emulation and file transfer.

>>          I'm looking for a binary copy of Kermit for the C64.
>I would be interested too to get them.

  It is not feasable to send copys of kermit thru uucp.  It is just plain
to big.

  The easist way to get it is to copy it from a friend.  The program is
in the public domain and can be copied.

  Failing that, You could try an anonymous FTP to a mainfraim that has it.
"" is sutible.  To do an anonymous ftp:

      1) Connect to "".  Your login is "anonymous", and the password is "guest".
      2) Change your directory to "kermit".
      3) Get one or more of these files:


  If you do not have access to a machine that can do an anonymous FTP,
you might want to try get a disk copy via U.S. mail. Note the following letter.

>Date: Sun, 17 Mar 85 20:48:14 est
>From: Robert Scott Lenoil 
>To: sy.fdc@cu20b.ARPA
>Subject: Offer to Provide C-64 Kermit Diskettes
>I just posted the following message to USENET.  Briefly, I offered to
>provide copies of diskettes containing Kermit for the Commodore 64
>for seven dollars, to defray my costs (diskette, mailer, postage,
>wear and tear, and my time - which will be alot, considering that I
>only own a single disk drive, and therefore will have to swap disks
>back and forth to perform a copy.)  I thought that my offer is in
>accordance with the rules set down in COMMER.DOC.
>To address your problem (how to obtain Kermit) I thought I'd let you
>know that I am willing to provide Kermit diskettes to those people who
>are reluctant or unable to go through the downloading procedure.  For
>$7.00 (U.S. funds), I will provide a diskette containing the executable
>code and documentation file.  (Outside North America, please enclose an
>extra $1.00 to cover additional mailing expense.)  Note that Kermit is
>written using the CROSS cross assembler which runs on DEC-10's and
>DEC-20's; hence enclosing the source code would not be of much help.  An
>additional problem is that the source code is larger than an entire 1541
>diskette, and therefore would be too much trouble for me to copy.
>Please note that I am not conducting a business.  I am making this offer
>to increase the availability of Kermit, which I hold to be a fine program.
>I must stress that Kermit may be copied free of charge, so long as this
>copying is not for "explicitly commercial purposes"  (Taken from Columbia
>University's policy document on Kermit distribution.), and those of you who
>wish to do so may download it free of charge from Columbia University
>machine CU20B (on ARPANET), using BITSERVE (from BITNET), or via UUCP from
>host OKSTATE.
>Send requests and inquiries to:
>			Robert Lenoil
>			229 Commonwealth Avenue
>			Boston, MA  02116  (USA)
>If people have questions, they can contact me by sending mail to
>lenoil@mit-eddie.  Mit-eddie is on both the DoD internet and USENET, so I'm
>fairly accessible.  Also note that I will not be at my present U.S. mail
>address for this summer, but my network mail will forward.  Therefore, starting
>in June, it would be a good idea to first send me computer mail to obtain my
>current mailing address, rather than suffer the problems of delay and lossage
>of forwarded U.S. mail.
>Yours truly,
>  Robert Lenoil
>Date: Tue, 21 May 85 03:02:17 edt
>From: Robert Scott Lenoil 
>Subject: Commodore 64 Kermit diskette availability
>As you may know, I have been providing copies of Commodore 64 Kermit for
>$7.00 as a service for those who couldn't otherwise obtain the program.
>However, I will be leaving shortly for the summer and have decided not to
>take my Commodore with me.  Therefore, I do not anticipate being able to
>fulfill any orders until my return August 25th.  There is always a
>possibility that I find somebody at work with a 64, so if you do need a
>diskette, send me netmail, and I'll let you know if I can accommodate
>you. (Send to this address - my mail will forward).
>Robert Lenoil