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From: wargo@sdics.UUCP (Dave Wargo)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Horz sync problems.
Message-ID: <232@sdics.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 11-Aug-86 13:39:43 EDT
Article-I.D.: sdics.232
Posted: Mon Aug 11 13:39:43 1986
Date-Received: Thu, 14-Aug-86 08:21:01 EDT
Organization: U.C. San Diego, Institute for Cognitive Science
Lines: 29

I seems to be having horz sync problems.

I get three narrow screens on my monitor (no not windows).

It seems that pin three of U32 is not quite right. As compared to
another C64 the timing is off (too wide). I take this to probely be
the problem, but when I changed U32 (a phase/freq detector ecg 974)
the problem is still there.

Whould anyone have any ideas as to why I am having this problem?

The local C64 shop will want about $40.00 just to look at it.




Dave Wargo

Ice Cream, it isn't just for dessert anymore.