Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site voder.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!epsilon!zeta!sabre!petrus!bellcore!decvax!decwrl!nsc!voder!kev From: kev@voder.UUCP (Kevin Hoskins) Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm,net.micro.pc,net.micro Subject: Re: IBM compatible PC-10, PC-20 and Commodore related magazine Message-ID: <957@voder.UUCP> Date: Thu, 19-Dec-85 11:44:22 EST Article-I.D.: voder.957 Posted: Thu Dec 19 11:44:22 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 21-Dec-85 06:25:36 EST References: <954@voder.UUCP> Organization: National Semiconductor, Santa Clara Lines: 23 Keywords: Not sold in America.....and.....Transactor Xref: watmath net.micro.cbm:1898 net.micro.pc:6300 net.micro:13206 Summary: The Transactor (magazine) address In article <954@voder.UUCP>, kev@voder.UUCP (Kevin Hoskins) writes: > > > > If any one is interested in the address (I do not have it with > me now) let me know and I will get it to you. > My mail does not seem to be going out. Therefore, for the people that have responded and asked for the address of The Transactor, here it is: The Transactor 277 Linwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14209-9990 Subscriptions are $15 for 6 consecutive issues, back issues are available at $4.50 each, and disks containing programs from volume 4 to the present are $7.50 each. > Kevin >