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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!epsilon!zeta!sabre!petrus!bellcore!decvax!decwrl!nsc!voder!kev
From: kev@voder.UUCP (Kevin Hoskins)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm,net.micro.pc,net.micro
Subject: Re: IBM compatible PC-10, PC-20 and Commodore related magazine
Message-ID: <957@voder.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 19-Dec-85 11:44:22 EST
Article-I.D.: voder.957
Posted: Thu Dec 19 11:44:22 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 21-Dec-85 06:25:36 EST
References: <954@voder.UUCP>
Organization: National Semiconductor, Santa Clara
Lines: 23
Keywords: Not sold in America.....and.....Transactor
Xref: watmath net.micro.cbm:1898 net.micro.pc:6300 net.micro:13206
Summary: The Transactor (magazine) address

In article <954@voder.UUCP>, kev@voder.UUCP (Kevin Hoskins) writes:
>      If any one is interested in the address (I do not have it with 
> me now) let me know and I will get it to you.

     My mail does not seem to be going out. Therefore, for the people 
that have responded and asked for the address of The Transactor, here
it is:

          The Transactor
          277 Linwood Avenue
          Buffalo, NY

     Subscriptions are $15 for 6 consecutive issues, back issues are 
available at $4.50 each, and disks containing programs from volume 4 
to the present are $7.50 each.

>      Kevin