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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!harvard!sasaki
From: sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki)
Newsgroups: net.rumor
Subject: Re: Strange Practices at Harvard
Message-ID: <261@harvard.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 19-Jul-85 23:22:17 EDT
Article-I.D.: harvard.261
Posted: Fri Jul 19 23:22:17 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 21-Jul-85 03:33:59 EDT
References: <290@mit-athena.UUCP>
Reply-To: sasaki@harvard.UUCP (Marty sasaki)
Distribution: net
Organization: Harvard Science Center
Lines: 12

There is a Unibus controller board that turns the water on and off.
You can also control the lights, and during the winter there is steam
mode. The board is plugged into a VAX running 4.2 BSD (h-sc4).

Great fun to wait for a random TECH TOOL to wander in, sit down on a
rock (they are all nicely flat on top) and then turn the water on.
  Marty Sasaki				net:   sasaki@harvard.{arpa,uucp}
  Havard University Science Center	phone: 617-495-1270
  One Oxford Street
  Cambridge, MA 02138