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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!ihnp4!qantel!hplabs!sdcrdcf!psivax!friesen
From: friesen@psivax.UUCP (Stanley Friesen)
Newsgroups: net.religion.christian
Subject: Re: Is General Goodness...(really evolution)
Message-ID: <613@psivax.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 2-Aug-85 17:37:56 EDT
Article-I.D.: psivax.613
Posted: Fri Aug  2 17:37:56 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 4-Aug-85 10:37:42 EDT
References: <852@umcp-cs.UUCP> <360@utastro.UUCP> <879@umcp-cs.UUCP> <1235@pyuxd.UUCP> <2134@pucc-h> <2163@pucc-h>
Reply-To: friesen@psivax.UUCP (Stanley Friesen)
Organization: Pacesetter Systems Inc., Sylmar, CA
Lines: 20

In article <2163@pucc-h> aeq@pucc-h (Jeff Sargent) writes:
>The sciences you name support the idea that changes have occurred on earth
>(e.g. dinosaurs once lived here, but no more), but they do not imply that
>there was no intelligence behind the changes.  And as I said, we don't see
>evolutionary changes taking place now, and we certainly don't see life coming
>from non-life now.
	Well, I hate to post this here(it really belongs in,
but the last statement above is incorrect, we *do* see exactly those
processes which evolutionary theory leads us to expect going on today!
It is only the unreasonable expectation that evolutionary change
should be *obvious* on a human timescale that leads to the conclusion
that evolutionary changes are not taking place now!

				Sarima (Stanley Friesen)

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