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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!ihnp4!ihlpg!tischler
From: tischler@ihlpg.UUCP (Mark D. Tischler)
Newsgroups: net.religion,net.religion.christian
Subject: Re: Let's get it straight.
Message-ID: <998@ihlpg.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 31-Jul-85 09:54:24 EDT
Article-I.D.: ihlpg.998
Posted: Wed Jul 31 09:54:24 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 3-Aug-85 01:18:37 EDT
References: <3369@decwrl.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Lines: 22
Xref: watmath net.religion:7308 net.religion.christian:1013

Don't you just hate these damn cry babies, Rich?
People like Don Black don't know how to take
defeat.  Obviously, their mothers coddled them
when they were young.  I feel sorry for people
like Don Black -- they can't take what they dish
out.  Ever notice how groups like the Jews, who
are continually spit upon, don't go crying
through the streets.  What d'ya say, Rich,
let's heap it on this sore loser this time!

Oh, yes.  I found it amusing that Black thinks
that two contradictory terms like "Liberty Lobby"
and "pro-American, pro-freedom, pro-civil-rights"
go together.


			Mark Tischler
			(312) 393-7199 (home)
			(312) 979-5123 (work)