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Path: utzoo!watmath!watarts!jharman
From: jharman@watarts.UUCP (James Harman)
Newsgroups: net.religion
Subject: my belief
Message-ID: <8510@watarts.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 31-Jul-85 14:36:45 EDT
Article-I.D.: watarts.8510
Posted: Wed Jul 31 14:36:45 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Aug-85 21:59:42 EDT
Reply-To: jharman@watarts.UUCP (James Harman)
Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario
Lines: 29

My philosophical beliefs are probably too unsophisticated for this
group but what the heck.
I am an agnostic. I have several evangelistic friends, otherwise normal,
(ooooohhhhhh, sorry), who claim that i will "burn in hell" because
I do not accept Jesus into my life.
I say that IF there is a God then IF I lead a "good" life
then HE would not consign me hell because I did not truly believe in his
existence, without proof.
Any god who would do so, strictly on such an arbitrary basis, is not a God
worth worshipping. Under that, Men like Ghandi would be doomed
while men like Torquemada would have an honoured place ( Confess).
Besides, what is so great and merciful about the Judeo Christian 
God anyways?
	He gave the Promised Land to the Isrealites, and evicted the
original inhabitants.
	He MURDERED EVERY first born Egyptian male, now c'mon,
Everybody in Egypt was bad, that's like saying every German during
world war II was a Nazi.
	He covered the earth in water, EVERYBODY WAS EVIL?
	What about Sodom and Gomorrah, I suppose that the only good
people in TWO WHOLE CITIES were Lot et al.

	The funniest thing about these stories is that people 
actually BELIEVE them.
Oh well, why am I wrong?
I don't think you will convince me.