Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site decwrl.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!harvard!talcott!panda!genrad!decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-pundit!black From: black@pundit.DEC (DON BLACK DTN 261-2739 MS: NIO/N13 LOC: POLE C6) Newsgroups: net.religion,net.religion.christian Subject: Let's get it straight. Message-ID: <3369@decwrl.UUCP> Date: Tue, 30-Jul-85 14:59:50 EDT Article-I.D.: decwrl.3369 Posted: Tue Jul 30 14:59:50 1985 Date-Received: Thu, 1-Aug-85 06:11:08 EDT Sender: daemon@decwrl.UUCP Organization: DEC Engineering Network Lines: 91 Xref: linus net.religion:6882 net.religion.christian:977 Rich Rosen proclaims: >Subject: Liberty Lobby Lawsuit >Posted: Fri Jul 26 13:17:44 1985 > >I just heard last night that the Liberty Lobby, a neo-fascist organization >that purportedly put up a large sum of money to anyone who could prove >the existence of the Holocaust (hoping that no one would come forward to >stand up to such a boorish claim, thus "proving" their point that it never >happened), got its just desserts. > >A judge ordered Liberty Lobby to pay a Holocaust survivor $90,000 as a >fulfillment of their "outstanding challenge", and apparently they were >forced by the judge to publicly accept and acknowledge the fact that the >Holocaust did occur. Somehow, Rich, your information is flawed as usual. The group that was the object of the lawsuit is the Institute for Historical Review, in Torrence, California. The Institute has little or no direct connection with the pro-American, pro-freedom, pro-civil rights Liberty Lobby. This lawsuit was just one more act of terrorism perpetrated by the illegal Jewish Defense League and its minions. They couldn't BOMB the I.H.R. out of existance, so now it's lawsuit time. (On July 4, 1984, the library of the I.H.R. was forcibly entered and firebombed by a professional arsonist. The Jewish Defense League provided the police with the name of the arsonist. J.D.L. members were photographed dancing in the ashes. Prior to the fire, the library had been the target of vandalism and picketing by the J.D.L. Recently, the J.D.L. has taken credit for harassing workers and officials of the I.H.R. And this is America????) The fellow who "won" the suit was awarded the sum of $50,000 for the reward money, and a penalty of $40,000 to $100,000 for "proving" that the Holocaust actually took place. As for the I.H.R. recanting, don't hold your breath. You may control the courts, but you don't yet control freedom of expression in the U.S. >They hoped that we would all find the claim so disgusting that we would >all ignore it. Personally I'm glad someone chose not to. Nope. Suits like this can't be ignored. It brings the subject out into the open, into the court of Public Opinion. The trial transcripts are public record. It won't take long before the truth---one way or the other--- comes out. >No, it probably won't shut them up. (Comments, Mr. Black? Mr. Frith?) It sure won't. In fact, it gives us more ammunition. >(Could someone elaborate on the sketchy details I acquired?) Read all about it in "The Spotlight," the weekly newspaper of the American Populist Party. Let me leave with an anecdote that I heard about "getting even:" There once was a cayote who liked to ravage the sheep of this one Old Farmer named Clem. So Clem put out a trap, and sure enough, the cayote got hisself caught. Clem had bought a brand new pick-um-up truck, as Old Farmers are inclined to do. He and his friend, Si, were out drivin' around the countryside in the new truck, when they came across the cayote in the trap. Si grabbed his 30-Aught-6, chambered a round, and said, "Clem, now's our chance. I'm gonna finish off that cayote once and for all." Clem thought for a minute. "Now you hold on just a durned minute, Si! Shootin's too good for that ol' cayote. I lost two hundred sheep to him. I want to make him sufffer a little before he dies." So Clem blindfolded that old critter, tied a stick of dynamite to his tail, lit the fuse, and opened the trap. Now this cayote's momma didn't raise any fools. He ran and hid right underneath that brand new pick-up truck. 'Nuff said, Rich?