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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!prls!amdimage!amdcad!amd!pesnta!scc!steiny
From: steiny@scc.UUCP (Don Steiny)
Newsgroups: net.religion
Subject: Re: Re: Omnipotence, justice and suffering: a very long question.
Message-ID: <521@scc.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 25-Jul-85 16:00:01 EDT
Article-I.D.: scc.521
Posted: Thu Jul 25 16:00:01 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 28-Jul-85 06:55:06 EDT
References: <1034@phs.UUCP> <501@scc.UUCP> <307@rti-sel.UUCP>
Organization: Don Steiny Software
Lines: 36

> In article <501@scc.UUCP> steiny@scc.UUCP (Don Steiny) writes:
> >	If you don't believe in god, then there is no question to
> >resolve.   Good and evil become subjective.  What is good to me
> >is good to me, what is evil to me is evil to me.  If someone
> >gets eaten by a lion, it is not too good for the person,  but
> >it is great for the lion.  If someone gets ripped off it is 
> >not good for them, but it might improve the life of the person
> >who did the ripping off (or his or her dealer). 
> Why is it that so many of you always assume that `secular humanists'
> always operate in a state of subjective self-interest? It seems to me 
> you've got your minds made up about the reasons we nonreligious 
> barbarians do the things we do. Of course, you don't just trash the 
> secular humanists; I see someone has done a pretty good job on the 
> followers of Islam, recently. Don't you just LOVE sweeping 
> generalizations, folks?
> I'm an agnostic. Most of you probably assume right off the bat 
> that  life has no  meaning for someone like me, right? Wrongo,

	I am amazed that you would believe that I am a Christian
or something like that.  I am an agnostic too!    I think
self interest is a wonderful mode of operation.  Some people
get a lot of pleasure out of doing things for other people.
There is nothing about believing that good and evil are relative
that makes me a barbarian.  All it does is allow me to understand
the points of view of different people, and save me from delemmas
like "why did god create evil?"

Don Steiny @ Don Steiny Software
109 Torrey Pine Terrace
Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060