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From: slb@drutx.UUCP (Sue Brezden)
Newsgroups: net.religion
Subject: Re: To Ellen Perlman
Message-ID: <3344@drutx.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 23-Jul-85 19:50:41 EDT
Article-I.D.: drutx.3344
Posted: Tue Jul 23 19:50:41 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 25-Jul-85 06:37:00 EDT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Denver
Lines: 47

Sorry to post this to the net.  But I could not get my mail to
go to Ellen Perlman with the addresses I had from the header.
(Besides, it's not like we've had a lot of traffic in this newsgroup
lately :-)


Thank you for your mail on dreams--it helped.  

I will look in the library for the book you mentioned.  Have found it 
on some book order forms.  That was just the sort of information I
was looking for.  There are so many dream books out there--but so
many are just lists of meanings (none of which are applicable, since
it is so individual) or, as you mention, Freudian.  I read a little
Freud when young, and found him pretty much of a misogynist and often 
downright silly!

I have started to write down my dreams.  My only problem now is saying
to myself "Oh, I don't want to write it now--I'll remember it later."
I never do, of course.  Or I don't want to maybe bother my husband.
(Which is no excuse--he sleeps like a log, and isn't bothered by light.)

It is fun to go back and read them after a month, when I have forgotten
them totally.  One thing I can see that I should do is to also--perhaps
the next day--write down external factors that might have contributed
to the dream.  For instance, I had one about work.  When I go back
to read it, it might be nice to know if I was having a particularly
bad week at the time.  The dream sure sounds like it!  But if I wasn't,
then maybe there are some general negative feelings there.

Anyway, thanks for the help.  Take care.


                                     Sue Brezden
Real World: Room 1B17                Net World: ihnp4!drutx!slb
            AT&T Information Systems
            11900 North Pecos
            Westminster, Co. 80234

        Your god may be dead, but mine aren't.