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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!umcp-cs!prometheus!pmk
From: pmk@prometheus.UUCP (Paul M Koloc)
Newsgroups: net.physics
Subject: Re: Re: A question about mass and energy
Message-ID: <152@prometheus.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 29-Jul-85 04:54:32 EDT
Article-I.D.: promethe.152
Posted: Mon Jul 29 04:54:32 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 30-Jul-85 05:42:19 EDT
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Organization: Prometheus II Ltd., College Park, MD
Lines: 51

>     A propagating electromatic wave -- an electric field and a
> magnetic field chasing each other through free space -- a 'photon', right?
> > In particular, the electromagnetic field is just a
> > cloud of "photons", which are particles, and subsidiary particles.
>     What about the electromagnetic field which makes up a photon?  How
> can this be 'just a cloud of photons'?
> -- 
> Jeff Sonntag

I thought about that.  Instead of viewing the resultant electromagnetic
fields, it is interesting to view the "information flow (vector A)" field.
The photon seems to be repeating a "search" path routine.  The vector
A field flows in a manner which seems to repeatingly trace out the path of 
two adjacent bed springs.  Starting at the top of the first it follows a 
helical path to the bottom of the first and then "transfers" to an adjacent 
spring in the row but follows it upward and spiraling in the opposite 
direction.  At the top it then "transfers" to the next spring over.  It then 
repeats forming an line of spring like "vorticies until it is absorbed. If 
the springs "touch" tangentially at the top and bottom the path at the 
transfer point isn't "discontinuous".  

Now looking at the flow from the top, the curl (rotation) is obvious.  But 
also from the top a pair of adjacent springs generate a net flow transverse 
to the axis of the springs in one direction between the pair, and in the 
opposite transverse direction between the next adjacent springs on either 
side. The resultant EM fields are then transverse to each other, because the 
E field is parallel to the transverse A field which alternates direction 
between each set of adjacent springs.  The magnetic field is perpendicular 
to the "curl" or rotation path traced out by following the helical spring 
path and that direction of rotation changes in adjacent springs so the 
magnetic field first points up along the helical axis and then down along 
the helical axis of the adjacent field.

Such flow patterns are also seen in turbulence of fluids perturbed by 
translating solids.

If this is confusing try the Sealy Corporation.  (Unfortunately they 
insulate each coil)   :-)

vector "A" is real boss!  INFORMATION  in action.   Photon torpedoes away!

Until the ARPA domains are functioning prometheus.UUCP collides with
PROMETHEUS.MIT.ARPA  at umcp-cs.  However, seismo!prometheus!pmk.UUCP 
| Paul M. Koloc, President: (301) 445-1075;             | FUSION |
| Prometheus II Ltd., College Park, MD 20740-0222       |  this  |
| pmk@prometheus.UUCP: ..seismo!prometheus!pmk.UUCP     | decade |