Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/5/84; site steinmetz.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!harvard!talcott!panda!genrad!decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!steinmetz!connolly From: connolly@steinmetz.UUCP (C. Ian Connolly) Newsgroups: net.physics Subject: Re: ETHER FILE Message-ID: <191@steinmetz.UUCP> Date: Mon, 22-Jul-85 19:06:35 EDT Article-I.D.: steinmet.191 Posted: Mon Jul 22 19:06:35 1985 Date-Received: Fri, 26-Jul-85 02:34:44 EDT References: <371@sri-arpa.ARPA> Organization: GE CRD, Schenectady, NY Lines: 29 > From: ALBERS> > The following was typed pretty quick by myself to try to explain how I think > stuff works. It is not finished and expriments still follow. > > ... > 3. Relative time (process rate) changes when a process leaves > a given density of ether (pressure) and enters a different > density. The higher the density (pressure) of the Ether > the slower the process rate relative to the same process > in a lower density of Ether. > > Ex: If we take two twins, and place one in a high > density of ether and the other in a low density > of ether, the twin in the low density will age > faster than the twin in the high density. > Well hot damn! Ether! I'm going to go up to the Chem Stockroom right now & get some...I didn't realize it would keep me from aging! (*: Seriously - there are several good reasons why the ether theory was dropped. You should pick up some reading material on special and general relativity theory to see exactly why - and *read* it, don't skim it. -- C. Ian Connolly, WA2IFI - USENET: ...edison!steinmetz!connolly , , ARPANET: connolly@ge-crd An rud a bhionn, bionn.