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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!oliveb!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpfcmp!rjn
From: rjn@hpfcmp.UUCP (rjn)
Newsgroups: net.periphs
Subject: Re: Orphaned Response
Message-ID: <34700001@hpfcmp.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 16-Jul-85 16:55:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: hpfcmp.34700001
Posted: Tue Jul 16 16:55:00 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 22-Jul-85 07:48:53 EDT
References: <139@ucla-cime.UUCP>
Lines: 24
Nf-ID: #R:ucla-cime:139:hpfcmp:34700001:37777777600:1234
Nf-From: hpfcmp!rjn    Jul 16 12:55:00 1985

re: "I need to get an IEEE 488 interface for an IBM PC/AT."

Sorry for posting an obviously  commercial  response, but this bounced when I
tried to mail it.

Hewlett-Packard  offers  an HP-IB  (IEEE  488-1978)  interface  and  software
library for the IBM PC (and  presumably  its clones).  Contact  your local HP
Sales office or HP dealer for details.  Ask for data on "PC Instruments".  We
also offer low cost modular  instruments  which use your PC as a "glass front
panel".  These products are not made by my division, and all I have is a data
sheet.  Here is an informal summary of the IEEE 488 product:

Product   Description                                          Price
61602AA   HP_IB interface and software library for IBM PC    $400.00

I believe that the library is only for PC-DOS and not Xenix.

Regards,                                               Hewlett-Packard
Bob Niland                                             3404 East Harmony Road
hplabs!hpfcla!rjn                                      Fort Collins CO  80525

This response does not represent the official position of the Hewlett-Packard
Company.  The above data is provided for informational  purposes only.  It is
supplied without warranty of any kind.