Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: notesfiles Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!prls!amdimage!amdcad!amd!pesnta!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpfcla!woof From: woof@hpfcla.UUCP (woof) Newsgroups: net.misc Subject: Re: Orphaned Response Message-ID: <18800001@hpfclm.UUCP> Date: Wed, 24-Jul-85 15:18:00 EDT Article-I.D.: hpfclm.18800001 Posted: Wed Jul 24 15:18:00 1985 Date-Received: Tue, 30-Jul-85 06:18:25 EDT References: <398@petfe.UUCP> Organization: Hewlett-Packard - Fort Collins, CO Lines: 10 Nf-ID: #R:petfe:398:hpfclm:18800001:37777777600:376 Nf-From: hpfclm!woof Jul 24 11:18:00 1985 > I believe that Toyota did not stop making the Corona, but merely changed > its name to Camry. Corona disappeared years before the Camry came out (c. 1975 to 1984). The Camry is a luxury car starting at about $16k. My theory is that the Corona and Corolla lines were combined. Steve Wolf Hewlett-Packard Company {ihnp4|hplabs}!hpfcla!woof Fort Collins, Colorado