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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!harvard!think!mit-eddie!cybvax0!fbp
From: fbp@cybvax0.UUCP (Rick Peralta)
Newsgroups: net.misc
Subject: Re: IMAX and the Shuttle flights
Message-ID: <626@cybvax0.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 22-Jul-85 10:06:23 EDT
Article-I.D.: cybvax0.626
Posted: Mon Jul 22 10:06:23 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 24-Jul-85 06:27:16 EDT
References: <1306@islenet.UUCP> <3600003@hplvle.UUCP> <438@myriasb.UUCP>
Organization: Cybermation, Inc., Cambridge, MA
Lines: 10

> The Edmonton Space Sciences Center has a ...
> In the same building is our planetarium with customary laser light show.

Times do change.

"A likely story.  I don't believe a word of it."