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Path: utzoo!decvax!tektronix!hplabs!nsc!ames!barry
From: barry@ames.UUCP (Kenn Barry)
Newsgroups: net.misc
Subject: Re: killing wild animals
Message-ID: <1050@ames.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 21-Jul-85 18:38:53 EDT
Article-I.D.: ames.1050
Posted: Sun Jul 21 18:38:53 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 23-Jul-85 19:47:40 EDT
References: <2019@ut-ngp.UTEXAS> <1015@mhuxt.UUCP>
Distribution: na
Organization: NASA-Ames Research Center, Mtn. View, CA
Lines: 27
Xref: tektronix net.misc:08331 

>> Most cows, sheep, and chickens which are raised for human consumption
>> spend their entire lives cooped up in absolutely awful, inhumane
>> conditions.  I saw a chicken "ranch" when I was a kid, and I didn't
>> feel good about eating chickens from then on (I became a vegetarian
>> a couple of years ago).  These chickens are kept in wire cages,
>> constantly standing, for their entire lives, fed practially nothing
>> but growth hormones and drugs which encourage them to eat more.
>> Cattle are treated similarly.  And I don't care how stupid these
>> animals are!  Nothing deserves this type of treatment.
>    I don't know how chickens are treated, but my parents raise beef cattle
>ont their farm, and I *do* know that you're wrong about the way cattle are
>treated.  ~15 of them, plus a few calves spend their lives hanging out in
>a ~25 acre pasture, stuffing their faces with grass, or standing in the
>shade chewing their cuds.  They have shelter from the cold, are fed well
>during the winter, and are treated with all the respect you would expect
>a poor farmer to give a ~$800 investment.

	I think you're both right. I believe that dairy cows are the
ones given factory-style treatment on modern dairy farms. They live their
lives standing in one stall, pretty much.

-  From the Crow's Nest  -                      Kenn Barry
                                                NASA-Ames Research Center
                                                Moffett Field, CA
 	USENET:		 {ihnp4,vortex,dual,nsc,hao,hplabs}!ames!barry