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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!mit-eddie!think!harvard!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!sbcs!bnl44!jpm
From: jpm@bnl44.UUCP (John McNamee)
Subject: Re: A USENET Competitor
Message-ID: <970@bnl44.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 16-Jul-85 10:38:33 EDT
Article-I.D.: bnl44.970
Posted: Tue Jul 16 10:38:33 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 20-Jul-85 09:14:47 EDT
References: <481@qantel.UUCP> <711@vortex.UUCP>
Lines: 21
Xref: watmath net.misc:8266

> Sounds like a BBS to me.  Or like the conferences that SOURCE
> and several other organizations run. ... Of course, as the
> volume of noise increases (how much of their capacity is being
> wasted by messages about the New Coke right now?) they'll probably
> find themselves forced into the choice of moderating the discussions
> or losing subscribers who don't want to wade through all the muck.

If CompuServe is any guide, people do not leave junk messages except
in areas set aside for them. When you are paying by the second to use
a service, you think twice before posting. I can't remember the last
time I saw garbage in a technical SIG on CompuServe (in particular,
I have yet to see any discussion of New Coke). Let me point out
that there are SIGs where such junk is probably talked about, but I
don't spend my time on them so I don't have to see it.

			 John McNamee

		  "MS-DOS is a communist plot"