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Path: utzoo!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!ut-sally!im4u!riddle
From: riddle@im4u.UUCP
Newsgroups: net.misc,net.pets
Subject: TOM GILL PREDICTS:  Dog Shoots Man
Message-ID: <331@im4u.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 18-Jul-85 13:25:25 EDT
Article-I.D.: im4u.331
Posted: Thu Jul 18 13:25:25 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 19-Jul-85 03:29:49 EDT
Followup-To: net.misc
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Organization: U. of Tx. at Houston-in-the-Hills
Lines: 17
Best-Friend: "Bob"

Flash: Dog Shoots Man

   John Westbrook won't be petting his dog for a while.  Last time he did,
   the dog shot him.  Westbrook was hunting north of El Dorado, Arkansas,
   recently, when he reached down to pet his dog.  The dog lifted his paw,
   hitting the trigger of Westbrook's shotgun, and the shot hit him in the
   hand.  "So much for man's best friend," said Sheriff's Deputy Monroe
   Taylor.  His final public comment was, "I guess you can't trust anybody

Source: "Tom Gill Predicts," Volume VII, Number ix.  Free subscriptions now
available (for a limited time only) from TGP International, 2477 Sycamore
Lane, Suite E-6, Davis, CA 95616 USA.

--- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.")
--- {ihnp4,harvard,seismo,gatech,ctvax}!ut-sally!riddle
--- riddle@ut-sally.{UUCP,ARPA}, riddle%zotz@ut-sally, riddle@im4u.UUCP