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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxn!ihnp4!qantel!hplabs!hpda!fortune!wdl1!jbn
From: jbn@wdl1.UUCP
Newsgroups: net.lan
Subject: Re: Re: ETHERNET on Broadband
Message-ID: <581@wdl1.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 5-Aug-85 01:29:06 EDT
Article-I.D.: wdl1.581
Posted: Mon Aug  5 01:29:06 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 6-Aug-85 12:21:27 EDT
Sender: notes@wdl1.UUCP
Organization: Ford Aerospace, Western Development Laboratories
Lines: 12
Nf-ID: #R:hammer:-137200:wdl1:8900019:000:563
Nf-From: wdl1!jbn    Jul 23 13:17:00 1985

     Bridge makes IP and XNS gateways, with real routing algorithms; we will
be evaluating the IP model next month, and will report the results.  The
Vitalink-modified Bridge box is a nice idea, but one of the byproducts of
their concept is that all the broadcast traffic goes to everybody in the
whole system, which can be a problem.  Vitalink assumes that you have lots
of bandwidth between the sites.  Since Vitalink's real business is satellite 
ground stations, this works out quite well for them.  But it's not an
optimal use of bandwidth.

					John Nagle